schooli here in the Mid-West and in -the East. Cofleges, too, bave been rýeceiving their influx o! stu- dents and shools., in general, are well begun; Schools i the West -and especially those in Southern Arizona and New Mexico and California will, begin a littie later-about October 1 is the general nue. Splendiel for Relthý While we are speaking of schools, In these localities, it may b. helpful to remind parents of children who are affiicted with continuous coIds, sinus infections or -an asthmatic condition that there are., penty of fine schools for ail, age, children mi Miss Margaret McArthur Returns Prom Europe Miss Margaret MeArthur, 313 Ked- zie street, Evanston, teacher of pi-] ano i the North Shore, returned last week on the Nieuwv Amsterdami after a three months' extended topr of Europe. Miss McArthur visited i France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Holland, England, Scot- land, and Ireland. She attended the music festivals at Salzburg and MunIch. She is resumning ber piano instruction this month. A Mrs. Oswald M 514 and wlulch infants in aris are traveling. Because thete has been a steady increase i the number o! babies aboard scheduled airlines, United de- cided to make special provisi on se that youthful, air- travelers would have every need satisfied durig trips. The special baby, kit includes: eight can s o! assorted straied vege- tables, soups and . fruits; Zweiback and graham crackers, baby warmer te heat the, baby's mnilk, disposable. diapers, 'special clishes for the baby' a food, and sterilited. containers, for boiled water. am: Gu are oreciôfla ust inder vY of 1 à Y, ............. .......... e............ ...... . Now is the time to have chil- dren's eycs eramined to avoid interruptioiis te studies later. Be Sure 702 4Churô St. 11575W -I 1187 S. Wi