a Seville" wll be given for the benelit of the Mission, anid tickets mnay, be obtained, on,,the north shorefrom a mnember of the'benefit comnmittee, Mrs. Clarence. E. Meihope, 300 Woodland avenue, Winnetka. The Rev. Leland H. Dan! orth ..of the Church o! the Moly Comforter, Kenilworth, and the Rev. -E. Ashley Gerhird, rector of Christ church, Winnetka, are dirèctors of!-the Mis- sion, anti, wlth their wives, are. in- cluded on the list o! patrons and patrneses.Also on, this. list are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest S. BallardMr. and- Mrs. 11111 Blackett, -Mr. and Mrs.] Bleloch of Wlnnetka is chairman of entertainment; Miss Romaine, Ren-. rien is 1ini charge of decorations, Mrs. William Woll and Mrs. Carl Wittbold' are, i charge, of !iling and invit- ations. Mrs..G. Hewett'Wiliamso! the Edgewater Beach is chairmani o! the benefit. Golfer Guesf Miss Edith Estabrooks of Dubtxque, Iowa, who came to the North Shore to ýparticipate i the 42nd AnnuaIl National Womnens Golf. champion7. ship current at Westmoreland Coun- Miey. Sept. a8la SaW Prled FPNCm eB!l oitQytr Creamed Çalf*s U..lds, Gremfi Aspeassd rro mumbrooi l Cimott.N i t wtlibredffl Pineappie fVtten with GrileD Cenadim a on and Mrsie8yu BroledILA"Irm aÉ WUiTrtar Sauce Presh V.è.table Plate Coice of Two wM the oAbove ]otnatrees: Fresh Louisiana crabmegt Guinbo wltk Obraanmd BAn Cbkku Vgetale oupChlisi Tomato halo. ?Vef gw&~a ~ew eut off the. oob Whlu.m Potatoui tte, du New Welfare Members Most ... Eroiled London .table: s. aud Nlq,. Croquette Buttergi Irnoit imb ..und.rsands clîidmen end