mng t Dr . Louis ±Mann et Chicago, and other able critics, will present ini costumnethe dramnatic interpreta... tion of that old favorite "Pride ýand Prejudice." On Friday morning, September 30, the commxittee, of which Mrs. B. L. Mitchell 15 chairman, is privileged to present Dr. Preston Bradley who, atter. a summer ini Europe, is re- opening for the twenty-seventh year. the People's church in Chica go. "The Importance of Living" by Lin -Yùtang, a picture of the Chinese philosophy of lite against a. western background, is an admiirable: selec- tion for Dr. Bradley's, character- Istic delivery. Dr. andI Mis. William Green- zvood Moore, at a tamily ddlaner party Tuesacz evening at thei home, 1221 Lake avenue,, WU-' mette, dnnounced the engage- ment of thefr ditughter, Mafgaret Mary,. to .Lawrence .Joaeph Splash Party spécial To Give RevIew