speax for uzmse'x. N OM III have let Jack London tel bis SALE own story, iu bis own words, wlth bis N INC. ow n iniltable flavor, character and 6..d ~seIf-dramatization. Where Jacktold t»SU ographer could posily tel l b better lu or truer. Into Slter on Horebaclc weut mpterial from London's fifttY publshd -books, -asnd from two huai- cdred thousaud rough notes, letters, maucripts, , documents, diarles. L O S luger e ntJn f he b iora jXa L Tier."lw not"blngc te blgrace London, bis flavor, bis - coloe, -bis chrctr hewyhetogh n talked and worked sud 6ean foug 1 t; just as Ltast fer Life was 'Vnent Van Gogh. bis lite,1>1. art- Lotira Krey's irattolve, 1 a Tel of Time,» tvas ptblished recentllg bp Ilouglaton MifflU comPatIl, on the auUaoer' twtVt-fltthipteddtug atin- izung< an .sd' soclate professer of pedlatrlces at Nortbwesterfl University Medical school and a well known practlcing. physician, aise wrote' "Cultivating, the Child's Appetitte"some yemr ago. A man who has doctored mnany babies, an~d a wife who has brought Up a. few of ber own are nlot speak-- lng purely' from theoretîcal or scien- tiffe vlewpoints wben they talk about children. It- Is natural te expeet, sud lu actuality' oue Oudg lnthis littie volume. lots of good horse seuse, ail of It supported hIsofar as. !s possible i the tweutleth century, wlth, medliMa sd elentific knowl- edge. I ehi loue te suit IIt esin priatwr c'an gs it -for yoi#. FUIS. StmI Dpo.4umf he Cail of the Wild" ia veral of his «plots" from a red-head uaméd. Sinclair A~ mnost tÀ<I*io ls de- ithe d moral tard the ly re- o,wth.