meeting. refreshments wiU be sevd The officers elected and commt- tees. appointed by the group lazt Sun. day evenhig are aà toilows:. - eldent,, Ma rny Keiler; vtoe-Ipresi- dEq t. lntnCapnter; secretary. Mur- iel Cralg; treasurer, George Reddlng., Program eolnIrnttee--Bud Filer, chair- man; Betty BruCe, Wilard .arehow, Salle Edwards. Memb>erghiP committee-Zileen lohan- nson, chairman; Ruth Mestjian, Shirley Wilson, John Benner, Bob Bartlett. Dramatic commttee - Betty Mtiller, chairrnian; JIn Mable, Janet Hill, Elsie Von der IAPPen, Ftank Huffman. Social committee-Tean Putnam. chair- manà Peggy Pierson, ]Betty' Stinson.' 'Peg yPeterson, Ba4rbara Burge. dluction servie for these -f id committee chairmeii will in the regular high school service, Sunday morning, >er 25, at 9:30 o'clock. mg Art Gallery npletes Remodeling have cially pose. THIS UleS.* STUDENT TABLE LAMP ONLY$ -l Give -then better light 'for sudy.. those youngstlers w*ith homewýork to do-and the young: folks going away to college . give thein one of these L E. S. Better- nervous ailments anid fatigue. Parents-good eyesight is price- less-make sure your chiidren have the best Iighting possible. It cosns you so littie-the lani shown here is only $2.95! Mar m oa tkI& 9Alla, g iuàna*g S.ê*is es u*r.S4SoeiaOfiff I I