The numiber of, exhibitors, 'the verietv of blossotns and the. quaUitY of exhibits hao increased frOnm Year, to year. Not only have experlénced gardeners been' sPurred to greater' efforts in the production Une, but the number of amnateur grovers has steadilv Increased and the comn- mnercial firnis are eager to enter theïr best PrOdUcts. It has been the policY Of the American Gardeners-association to' post a Iline Cf cupe and trophies that is exceeded .bv few. if any exhibi- tions of this kind! In the country. The association has also had the hearty support and assistancee of the nium- erotis garden clubs throughout the INote: Economy Sliop i. conducted I by the Woiman's Club of Wilmette. I Proceeds are directed to philanthropie I Purpolgu. Englehardts" «Amnerlca's Sweet- hearts" "A me r ic an Legions,I' "Shirley Temples," and hundreds of, other varieties of all shades and1 coloun.I Mrs. John W. Gary will haveà special garden, which will repre- sent an outside terrace, paved wlth' blue stone, featuring large dahlia arrangements. The flower arrange- ments will bé do-ne by Mrs.- Howard C.P14ips an,& Mrs. John Stuart.- The ilmiette store For Men 1164 WilhnetteAve. uiat- and er whom 'e> 5 TabIst~ 9~! I T ~j N ~U I whom