mmHRBEBEGINNERS' CLASSES - S weés p"riod sitartiug 00"o«o10 (ImMdrui ih Sdioo suid Aduit.B& ;.41LIARULO* ilitt, , -JEW"E R Yorold lik uw. plated azn< -verT nad silivermade Repai rer- 1 polised at a fiIBt.: Mia. E. K. Ktrscliberg of Glen- coe witl talce the part of Mrs. Harringtonin hite plUY "The Patsy" to be given by. the Totver PLayera oni the uighta of Octo- ber il and 12 at the Sacred Hecrt School auditorium. )ber 5, Et AU 1> JLUCL . AA .menu- win conduct a speclal service. the childreti Wednesday after- %,October 5, at 1:15 o'cii>ckç and, memorial service wIf be con- ted by Rabbi Shuman at 3:30, wling the childre'm service. iown in Rebtew as Yom Ki pur, tliis bath of Sabbathm" bas frmr two tbousand years united aIl .Tewrs eaeh year Ini a world-wlde spiritual .t at self-purifféatl.oi and rededica-. to lr& motives and nobler pur- s. ccodlntl Rabbi Shulman. The ote of the day is found in the. great 'saneil tokef" prayer whlcb embodies divine assurance that. gutit etau b. ted tbroulgh penitence. prayer and teous action. rom Biblcal'timeues Up l the present v d.. T f 4 . . . .u e ar. .l ,a n fw i r day as the neniténtial b Rasbanah. PIRST CHURCH 0F CHRIST, SCIBNTIST Tenth Street and Central Avenue WILMTTE, ILLINOIS S3ubkect: UNREALITY READING ROOM - Il 33 Central Avenue Open Daîly (excçpt Wednesday) 9 AM. to 6 P.M. Wednssday 9 AM. to 7:45P.M. Saturdaiy 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.* choice seatsl h b. three readeirso! le, who wilI attend *DO 1~ -ii a reh. ce in joy an' ,on *the. the first program