plans, even not tox early to begin,. In the past thie Wilmette' Famlly Welfare association lhmsbeen the ceii- ter of xnuch activltyr around the two major holidays. Gifts of« canried goods, fruit, candy and moneY Were donated- to provide for. numbers o1 baskets to be distrlbuted amnong the un! ortunate memnbers of the cont- munity. Memnbers and friends o! the Welfare association packed and de- livered these baskets and, by mneans O! a clearing house -system, schools, churches, clubs. and groups wlshing to help were given names of speci- ,Ic faminies in need. In this way an R. Baar of 642 CheTvu \4%~ji4>Cup SCo" r5vw *tq5ag er n &iuv-iL -s president of the Citizena Schooeb committee and a trusatee of the CivieIc ederation andi BureauL of Public Efficiency. Koehne Photo sound, constructive planning toward a higher standard, rather than spas- Welf are as- y' interested echurches. civie- groups 49fàf» I~Fi 'Uv.