withus The w-w m uuslc1w fSd Suuday L Cathedrer' .. Po .61e et L MA1i 7.d .............5AA5AIM Art Ihou, 0 Lord". .Monestei ýýay A. Sbmog (VSYuihoY). ..Widom 5lbe BghSoo1Uot& lbague wl! ýtnme &mdY eveing t 6 eiock. Ibeta URh Ro invits ailyU g .abîv*. 1gh uchool agethi eet, Sudy vumhgsat to'1oe.1 BahtsiCharch Wlmette and Forest avenues Itey. George D. AMson, pastor On Sunday morning, October 2, et thé l'i-o'ciock service, the Fall Communion wl!! hé observed and ail meuiberu are remiluded hi hé prebent. Dr. Allison con- tinues his messages on "The Suprémée Teéxtà of thé Bible" aud tiers wl!! lisa Childre's sermon, aiso. Miss Koch and thé chous choir wlRl lead iworshlp. In thé Church ;chool' et 10 o'clock, théré wlll be an asembly léd by How- ard A. Berg. Thé Aduit clama 'le study- hIg "The Cty aud fla Church,' by Prof. S. C. Kinchéice. Because of its use of Chicago for ita key matériel, It is prov- hIg of spécial Interest. There wli be a meeting of the par- ents and teacbers of the cblidren of the Junior departuient of the Suuday schoci i the Guild, rooWI Sundây,' 'October 2. at 4:30 p.m. The purpose id theé meeting la to conalder the relation of the home ti thé Sunday sehool. Wilmette Lutheran, 1010 Centrai avenue. Wiimette The Rev. David R. Kabéle, paster SUNDAY SERVICES Church schoo2l......... ...... 9:45 a.m. Morulng 'worship...... ........il1 a.m. Thé showlug cf thé picture. "The Thunder of thé Sea' ... ... Thé music for thé service of worshlp next Sunday morulng lu as foiiows: Prelude--Adaglo Cantabile," Pathétique Sonata ......... Beethovein The ScleMin wtflod its regular meet- ing Monday -ev.nlng -at the chureh. The Boy- Scouts wiU meet at. the éhurch Monday evenlng. The 'Girl- Scouts WM i meât at the; .hurch Wednesday atternoon. The choir wilU rehearse_4t the churchý Frlday evenlng et 7:30 o'elock. On Wednesday evenlng w. will begin our Wednesday Evenlng Bible Hour. wlth thé general themne: '1!asterlng Your Bi- bis." This wl be an attempt at a gen- erai survey of thie Bible, to get its geên- erai and unlfted message book by book. We wIlli méet In the chapel at'8 o'ciock. We ýwil weico*ne you ln our group. The Chicago PresbyterlaI soef.ty wil! Music The Presbytery of Chicago wili hold a rall.and receptionfo thé new execu. at :30Secnd resyteianchurch of Chicago, Aniv.20th street aud Michigan avenue. Ali >wlah te thé members aud friends of thé Presby- Wlth us térlan churchés are Invlted. Ihé bour w!!! bé B. i1 CROIRAL Sung by théeE~2 le for thé morulng servie follows: lud-1antasy on "Rejolce, in Heart" ........... Sowérby Pralse thé Lord" . . . Rndegger I I t 1 WiD fi- ini. The rim dtvision Win