mng awar',or wnichcongeab thm mn o! human kindness i1Mr. Badigerow's if 14r. . Badgerow woulId suggest that, without asking PWA for 'Fed- eral funds wth which to help finance these grade crossing separations, Win- netka should proceed with the work itselt and assess the cost against the taxpayers of the Village, I, as one such taxpayer, would gladly, go along with him, even although, from the point of view of the national econ- omy' I cannot see the differenoe irr this instnce between paying money out of the Wiîinetka treasury and i 4e rnt f ou of he WetIral Tr'IsuliipO' To ýsum up, it is clear that in Mr. Badgerow's ztern and heroic breast there is no faintest beat for those Who may . be the nextict is to be off ered up on Winnetklas dangerous grade cro.singg. -It ii better -that scores be hurled to a sudden death than that the Village o! Wlnnetka should pay out any moneY, either. through its local 'or the Federal Treasury, to make these blood-stained crossings safe for oijr women and children. Thus, our self -sacrificing fel- low citizen proves hlznself to be worthy o! the puissant colonel who, protected by his bodyguards, sPends lonely hours in the Tribune TOWer brooding over the wrongs imposed: by the New Deal while seeking new 1i ask Winnetkasfl-am I righ? 1Harve G. Badgerow. Editor, WILmE!TE Lin: May I express my hearty appr!e- ciation of the fine éditorial entltled "S8piritual Recovery," whicb appear- ed in last.week's issue of WILMETT IL*£'? If moral rearmamnent, , s earnestly advocated bythe Oxford group,! and, we are told, successful- ly triedi Norway, Sweden anid Deranark, wiil serve to brlng a bet- ter unclerstanding among men and between nationsi more kindniess and patience with one another and a bet-- ter application of weil known Chris- tian prmnciples of living, it deserves aur sympathetlc attention here ln Ameriea. Who. can! mreasure the effect ,on soclety of large groups o! people actuaily living i the spirit o! -the ora i the earlyi was ours to A Three-Pioce Suit A Two-PI.c. Suit- A Coat These are the uses of the trim, tailored suits as thie 5 it, wo honor ire not ghtlà1Mr. -ad fl wn icting Political systerna, can re c on- IlwWinnetkanwil pile order and freedom, can rekindle be overwhelmingly true patriotism, cari unite ail citi- Harod L lees, zens i the service of the nation,. Harol L. Ikes, and ail nations in the service o! Administrator. mank.ind." ommunication foflows:1 Marion S. Daughaday, Y~ MONEY" Winnetka Ta1Ik: _ _ _ _ _ _ ie I read with great Iaided or. not ti Wilmette b;y hai (Continued on Page 32) as aU oe. 1/ I *.w ap L. A g s and their Imen 4