A firm washable fabrie created of crowi newest of fall colors and designs, Teal blu It's a typical fabrie -for -street, sports and Simari New yd. Lovely, and. Practical Tii5Bach yd. You must have a. Velvet- An unusually fine selec- een jacket with a plaid tion of noVelty weaves, skfrt this flU. Smart col- rabbits hair and many ors in twil-back vel- other popular tai) fabrios. veteen to harmonize Infa - ..w.ih-ur woelae Comnplete Selection wear. Sp .un BRayon" .Oxford 791r yd. An unusually attractive fabrie that iu soft and lightweight and launders well. Ini plain. colôrs and fancy stripes. Ideal for dresses, sports wear and ensembles. 39 inclhes oi New Patterns E Quavtty Limiled 0 Sun suit, dirnil sklwt and babusbka 0 Eveni dress, pea l, gold slip- pers, Jacket, eveuing bag and Footbal Eqipmcuit $1.65 JWilson Football S.tswdoy 9:3 SEPTEMBER 299, 193 8l, 4~i Lay A"yq for Christusa ô'Miss * i. E.. E ., i I I i E = I 'i E I