b.Wiuuetk wopld be a -eable place lu which to !Ugi.tte - ould sufer hl wnt ode si~tmaum 1 if r194, we sbould speak Poirteentii street. I,'ettbs; i 1IiES"ON *ai the - »roperty Iwas forced to wait. The interview gave the Impression that Mins Mason was self-taugt- ber inspiration hàvinLr been phon- ograph recordings. Kari Reckzeh taught Mfiss Mason for abnost twen- ty years, thatI kriow of, and was re- sponsible foriher concerts and public appearailces. Lenora Krtchever, Wilffette. DISCOUR&GED STUDENTS Editor. WzLIMeIELW£: In your issue of September .22, Mr. JAschbaker presents. a timely.chai- In an effort to avoid duplication of cafls, lists were prepared for each cominittee member and care bas, been taken tb eaU OnIY the namneu on tiiose lats. While every eftort has been made to include anl who might be lnterested in the lecture series, clerical errorsare bound to occur, it lu pointed out, and Borne names have been omitted entlrelY, For the benefit of those who wish t1D telephone for tickets, committe names follow: Ut Comlt" UD.I~. f6 lit erpi,* aUms. IBo. Reg K.y mm, .BUZ Broumm (above) ls one of the 'keyj ?"Weeutt a t end poattou on, tavear'Newi Trier Hleli achool varaltii football team. ,He lias loads of abilitu and heart Christian Science Churches eut. Çaraàteed [n ép Alexand.er md la' on U nedy j cor- and 1 1and raise