won't ateb YOUR R99PONSIBILIY golf goveroment as t. bas exlsted lx thia iountry for 151 years under tue constitution in ever destroyed, It will not be by on. outslde enemy, nor by the céommunistu or other alien, parties, but by theétter lack of interest.i.clvic affairs j>y eur own people.". So said a loual- resident last:week, and, mnuch, as we would 1k to dispute his statemnent, tacts prove It te be onle tee trùe. If we Of the North Shore have been wont to look upon ourselves as too intelligent and too pollticaly smart to neg- lect oUr clvic responsibilities, two recent occur- sale of village securities. Out of sent out, 2,245 were returned. only 40 mofe every 100 citizens expendfture èf one. million dofl imrvexentof sufficient lmpo the trouble of expresoing theirc ,500 pont cards Sother wordo, consdered the. R fr a public ance te go te inilon when aU to take any part in it. Mnotter point: If yeu take part îhi electing officiais, those, officiais should have, your full cooperation when they appeal to you for- assist-. ance i.determining policies. That is of the very ese ocfetdemocracy. SRgsponsibility is8 dear. It is, first, to register; second,. tovoe third, to respond when those you elect appeal te you for- expressions. of opinioir. The more and longer this responsibility is evaded, 'the more rapid will bethe declitne et demnocracy. The timne te save, It As now. MAKE WOIRK LIGHTER Hundreds ot fine men and woknen of the dered te those established and ganizations. Those who ari canvasses cat rr estimably lighter stresand m accredited c rt by long tritable or- A departrnt store advertises "flrst nighter pajarnas."p Whadda they mean "flrst night-. er? * Anent the national. debt which we confidingj Ameriicans1 have buit up, largely withln the, past six years, efforts are being made to give some idea of its magnitude. One comfparisori is that if a' man. had. begun the' spending of a billion dollars on the day Chr.ist>Was born, and had spent one"dollar ever-y minute, about now hie would be broke. ýHere:is another: Il every man,. womàn and. child now Il.ving on this earth ýw ere to parade past the White Bouse, each one dropping three fIve-dollar bills. into a basket, theý entire amount would be approx- imately five billion dollars shor 1t of enough to pay the debt. An~dfIlve billion dollars is ne mean sum. Why, it would carry another election. Say what you will of State's Attorney Court- ney, he certainly is a mnan with an axe to grn.Or, more properly perhaps, many. of them. The women folkcs, are getting on their ears about hidden taxces, and are determined to do something about themn. Hidden taxes are those cute little regulations that grab ab~out 25 per cent of every dollar you earn, and are said to be painless. cardasent eut, only 1,22 were rewurned. ±iere again only 40 eut et every M0 addressed feît* for titi t incumbent uyon thern te express an opinion. mfu<3h The two instances represent an earnest and intelligent effort on the part of the Village boards et the municipalities te ascertain the desires of residents xIn the absence of the co- operation wbich they were justlfled li asklng Thes and had every rlght te expect,, what de they inhigi new kticw et the actual sentiment of their vil- temfpt steU U.m aVcmp>aig ou will realize how be appreciated. Is THis PPAGANDAP' farmers fromn day? shington just before election The best joke of this week cornes from dear old England. After giving Hitler aUl he asked for, Bitain- expressed the fear that Czecho-, slovakia may be partitioned and completely, destroyed. Mussolini was a close second with this: "Our foes over the Alps are too stupid. te be dangerous." And se, te another asslgnment. THÉ PHANTOM REPORTER, fot.