mette Garden club wiUoe bel Frlday, October -7, at-2 o'clocka Kresg, 1118 Mohawk. road, Wv-l mette., The- assistant hostae. will b. Mis. W. KL Yates and Mr, Frank Haines. -Bouse Plante, andM ue Gardenlng for the Amateur" are tt .abjets on.fthe progrm. ýMms Ai thurDuand and R. B., Hovey ai tfle sWeak - During flue bushN Meeting there will be thue readmugi the annual repothe flue j 9m. Charlesa n tDerieRand t other offceand chairmen of cmi mitees This wlll be tollowedt inDItio'I of offioers forfthe 7eg et Trier entertand a Poup <of womer' On Tuesday, 0October 4, the living in the precinct wbo will be, Neighbors of Kenilworth wilî busy' the nert' two week* in tb~he old their opening meeting oif the club#s annual membersblz> drive. seasoi, a reception to the :new, The tea was given at the home of president and:theë new members.. Mrs. Leslie Cooke, 141 Sheridan Mrs. Cci eedteasbe road, and was addressed by Mrs. Edward B. Hait, president. of the -chosén to MIl the president's chair club.with Mrs. Vernon C. Beebel furt be Thfe guests included: Mrs. John IR. he ~Davis, Mrs. James D. Baker,, Mrs. Frank E. Peters, Mrs. Ellsviorth 0, ire ~Jones, Mrs. Robert D. Johirsn, Mrs. 7,Homer E. Robertson,Mr.1.E Greene, Mrs. S. H. Clark, Mrs-., heGeorge, T. French, Mrs. Stuart M.« Campbell, Mrs. Andrewý E. Kuby, by Mrs. R. S. Link, Mrs. Bob Anderson, Mn ee . 1 Mrs. Fred J. Duncombe, Mrs. Fred mr Ms. ecUW. Mredth,616 S. White. Mrs. Reginald V. Robin-. Abbotford road, KeIilOOUi, son, Mrs. Harold B. Wright, Mrs. r^t p"res ' dnt o the Nef ghbov. cof John L. Bennett, and Mrs. Georg L. Kentlworth, 'toli -preafde at the' .-D'a' tffi. nt; opening flU meeting Tuesday af- oe ternoon; October 4, at the Kenit- ,i worth club. J. D. Tolof f Photo S. A. E& Mothers Star+ Season, Chines. Phiosopher's Book Chosen for Revie and Y. We .m Oln Great ilan. nit- "The Importance o! Living" by foi dnLin Yutang is the book chosen, and i ar, a critie sunimarizes thus: "There is 0oW, much humor and pointed Wit in his olnbokadmcfodfrtogti ad- we have tirne to refleet upon simpli-. vith Luncheon meeting o! the Sigma iMothers' club of niversity will be held to be held early discussed. In, Review Series vice-preÉ,ident, in charge o! Pro- grams. Members,> old and: new. are anticipating' an eçnjoyable', profitable year. Entertainment for the afternoori which begins at ý2:30* is under the Department: of Music with Mrs. * A. N. Williams chairman. The com- mittee is Most enthusiastic, 'very happy and proud i announcing the artists who wrnl appeàr. Charles Demerest, head of the Or- sical college, will play several se- lections on one of the newest elec- trie organs to be instailed for the afiernoon by Lyon and Healy. *David MoU, one o! Chicago's lead- ing violinisis, is certain to elicit en- thusiasm from his audience with the warmth o! bis mnterpretations. He has studied music since a child, first Miss bouisa kloe, attrac soprano, now of. the Cii Opera company, and "b( singer" in the 1937 Chicag sic Festival vocal contest, ,ive young ýago Civie st woman coand- Mu- is also on gracious Miss Hoe * WILMBTTE LIFE' 46