f hureh in' Evanston, Mis s Eliza-' be%1th Mary Balhatchet, daughter Sf Mr. and Mrs. William.Bàal- ýiatchet of 725 Tenth street, was inaMfed lait aaturday evening at ,8-30 t Don lKent Alford, soni of Mîr. andIMm., Don B. Ait ord o! 2vanston. MisseaUBar*ei ,yowea perid,, *o*t1: 'o!lvory satin '$Ênd an lvory v.il wlth a lace p.m#l $tierrled à corsage of gârdea4ý%q. 'The gowns of the, attendaM, àiso Wedding, Oct. 15 The. first prenuptial party in Miss Lois T'ruesdale's honor was given Frlday by Mrs. Elbeit Clark,, who entertained. at tea and a paper shower at her home, 635. Blackthorn road, Wimnetka.. Several other partues are planned. to honor Miss Truesdale before her marriage Saturday,, October 15, to Charles Jamnieson Gaspar of Chicago. Dr. Samuel Harkness wifl read the weddmng service in the Winfletka Congregational churcb, after whlch, Mr. and Mrs. William DV~ Truesdale wilU hoId their daughter's wedding reception at Indian [1111club. A cocktailumr fm. orMi.a TPpiwg. xf t.he bride, e style i of of ta - issuing uer Octo' briade- tu a Simiir s"de.. Boul iiad cor- !uSa «of rubrum Miies. P'lOweona the altar were the only Jefferson çoflege and Colgate uni- 4ecMaOmn a the churcbi. At the veralty. He lu a mernber o! Beta To Morr y and ohe Dest man, John E ome ofNew York City, 1 Photo plans fer a breakf ast October 14, and the 1 will be given that ev,> Truesdale home, 570, road, Winnetka, follow hearsai. Miss Joan Si has tentative ton Friday, bridai dinner ienlng at the. Arbor Vitae wing the ne- ;utter of 827 WILMBTTB LIFE