George Lee, preuidexit, wSU preside. The meeting wil be held inhonor of the recnt June graduates, and the program wlU be a discussion otý varîous ,activiies -o! Coflege grad- uateg. Miss Kathryn Brothers will speak on "ýCornmunity Service"; Mrm Keith Preston wiUl discuss.Wmn li Education," and Mrs. Peter Brandsness wifl speakc on "lWonen i Business." Mrs. MacLbeish will give the bistory of the Vassar Alum- nae association. At the meeting Mrs~ . J lk Wlnnetka reported on the succesOf the benefit bridge party and fashion. show whiéh was held last'SaturdaY at the Evanston country club. ý Officers of the association for this year are as follows: president, Mrs. Alderman; vice-president, r.O H Breidert of Evanston; treasurer, Mrs. Carlton Banker of WilMette; Axchora correspondent,. Mrs. RalPh Stoetzel o! Glencoe; program chair- man, Mrs. Arthur Marquette of Highland Park; and social chair-- man, Mrs. Dick. The first regular fal meeting will be held October 10 at the home of Mrs. Staniley Strong. of Highland 1>2...1 T .iinc fpn 1 w obe s iv ed at 1 Auxiliary fo MeeI -The Junior auxilar3 :4 the North league will :4 the 'year, F. R. narper On. Çoumitte for Ina nt Wefore Part y ~T1 Continue Boe.fs for Opera Luncheon Clul Skokie D. A. R. fo WILMBTTB LIFEO 4 1' - --- -- ~ - a meeting Division