o'clocJc. The play has .been running on1 Broadway since Pebruary., It stars9 Frank Craven and Martha Scott, wihose fine characterizations brinig realism*and vitality to the produc- tion, for it is a piece that demands Much faith of its audiences. "dOur Town" is somewhat of 'a theatrical novelty, i that it follows the narrative form. Frank Craven sits on the side-lines and uniolds the story, wlth some of the characters comning to life as he refers to them. Somnetimnes they act out a scene or two, sonetimes he himself enters in- to the lite, as the 'tale moves on. Staging of this sort is a littie in the Cbinese nianner, but this play has skeeton props, rather than a com- Thorntori Wilder bas not had a long play produced professioinaly before, but h. lu famous for bis nov. els, particularly "The Bridge of San Luig Rey" and "Heaven's My Des- tination." ThIs worlc maintains his hihstandard for hwnôr, siniplicity, tember 30, the:'flrst ofai anew 'and different, series of parties.. Dinner will be 'serveêd at 8 oclock, and dancing follows. Acaàcîa Auxiliary: Monday, October 3, m arks thie openwng meeting of the Auxiiry of Northwestern chapter, Acacia Fra- ternity, at Acacia house 550 Lincoln street, Evanston. The.meeting wiRl be called ta order'at '2 o'clock and ail members are ursed to attend and meet aid friends and welcom e the niew. members. t -rt r' The North Shor e Alumnae group of Sigma KCappa sororlt3r will have a dessert and business meeting Octo- ber 3 at 1 o'cloec at the home of Mi~ss Betty Murdock, 2111 Birchwood avenue, Wflmette. This will be the first meeting of the season. AUl meeting 185 North ,W unlesa otherm -e heidi Room 504' ih avenue, Chicago, Annual'Meetilng The Kenilworth Garden club will hold its annual M eeting Octèber 7 at ê-he home of Mrs. H. A. Olin, 205 Warwick road, Kenilworth. ANN GORDON, Distinctive W4aring Apparot Daytimne end Ev.ning Ard. 0424 MAI 4ILN HATS Sun. 2861 Edgwat.r Beach Apte. 5555 Sheridan Road o ieup houuehold carS. * bes.ou suat aithea.W N. T. Macuala., Apt., "MA.~ AI$ R" ni mini -~-~ i - ~m:.. i LWIJ. I. I~