t 4ooc win DeULIJ um. uLJorA 5l.. Beaudin,, Mr5.- J. W. Hogan, Mrs. Bertranïd W. Evans, Mru.' Edwa.rd J., O'ConnelU,- rs James A. OCal- Iaghan. .and Uri. *K\F'ranctis Byrne. .1 Charles G. Moreau, 1507 Walnut avenue, is rushing chairman of Delta Upsion fraternity, at the Uni-. versity of Illinois, where he is com-.I pieting his final,:year. W.. K. McArtflur of iEdmonton, AI berta,, Canada. lins. McArthur ar-- rived here September 10 after, at- tendingthe fair at Toronto, and lir. McArthur followed on September 18. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Birailsford, 916 Chiestnutavenue, returned: re- cently ý from French Lick Springs, mdc., where they spent a week. of Glencoe. Mr. and' Mrs. D. Porter Empfield. of 915 Greenlealf avenue returned tfie first of this week from a motor trip, to Iowa. T1hey-took their daughter, Cassie, to Grinneil coUege, and viâ-, ited a si8ter of lirs. Emp!Ield inJ Cedar Fans. Mr. Empfield was also in Wateloo on business. I..- III, oa Are Corcka/4 invitei to the 612. 4hurch Street Friday, Soptemiber 30.) 1938 the SHORT *this season's most important fashion I 1