lui Same Personnel No fainiliar namnes are missing in our combined persnnel: RoDEIT M. BmcK retains hie active capacity and intereat, as dmesMH.C. ScHujrTrz, onie of the foumders of Schultz &Nord (Village Cleaners). EMIL'No» continues to gr eet you t the Wilmette office, 1152 Central Avenue. DÂYU> E. No», 2020 Central Street, provides Evanstoujans with another con- venient offioe.for the use of the customners of Robt M. Birck as well as those of Schultz & Nord-Village Cleaners. ii asingl rganiiai One grecst plant - one great -service fleet one unexcelle standard of diy >cleang The other is Robt. M. Birck Go. - It is no secret that for years an affiliation has existed between these two organizations ,wbich have offered a duplication- of an identical standard of unexcelled service. In Yinnetka, the oentrally-located office at 555 Lincoln Avenue now becomes avail- able for the use of all our customers., have long held two comparues. However, these days of streamlining.for efficiency now empha- size the immense public advantage of actual an&d completé unil-. cation'of ail the service factors of both organizations. SEPTEMBER 29, 1938 to one or.the other oft'heu