g a â" hI wU mmI! m, w ~#about iiimliF2 1k; 25c lb. cartoun 10< RED KIDNIYBMAt4S No., 2, 20 oz.thin25 c g ggFI"eo as IUUws. Iignu. aag. srly mtornihg mail by 7 .m. Oter nailset 9,15 and Il a.m., 12 noont : 15, 3:00 and 5:00 ».m. "Sundày nd holoday mails dlstributed to oxes at 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Pâtrons recelvlng mail on Satur- [ay, too late for mornlng dçllvery. îould save two days' time. Instead if gettlng your mail, twlce a day ,ou get. it at your convenlence as mrly as you wlsh. Thfese boxes, Mr. O'Connefl stated, an be had at very reasonable retes. ~adP«rtv WiI Aid c of the arrange- meniu Trhe mornlng session will be de- voted to the subject 'The Parent- Teacher 'and, the Child" wth state and district oficers taking an active part in the symposium. The hlgh- light of the atternoon will be an a&- dress by Dr. Walter. A. Anderson o' Northwestern university Sehool of Éducation on the subjeet "Are Chil- dren People?"~ In bis proclamation, Governor Hor- ner emphasizes that "the cont1nuous- welfaMe and progress ot, the -State of Illinois depends upon ourfuture citi- Fuvymeg Ciick.ns IL 29c Whit. Fish e e 1 lb. 37c on the ect. it L Chi