Sp.nksh Couti I"W n1 Wl,. - rr~ MMuA."7 T.wrnd Sime" rethods of treatmént admlnistered ern prosaie enough, unless you tappein to, know old "Pop" Hertze. As a boy he endured actual priva- on té get a medical education, and hen experlenced stili more taxing ehysicalý hardshlps to work uip anid Lold a doctoras prauctice. His repu- aton finally establlshed, he operat- dI bis own clinic, and traveled hun- trda of miles, upon occasion, for Dilultations or kitchen table ojer- tions. A doctor of the. old school, but a mrt. one, Hertzler in Horse and' rggj Doctor reveals those things nly expérience, common sense. and Art hur E. Hertzler, M D.. who tvrote "The Hors8e and Buggy Doctor," a bust, aeler, l head of the Hertzler clUnie at its virile magnificence, wvall upoxi wall, vault upon vault Up té the flazning arcbangel ln, thé sky, wMf delight in thls novel -beçause of !ts background. Its drama could,,have been played anywhere. A Nlght of Storm The novel opens on a night, of wild storin. Two passengers are dropped from, a motor bus into the texnpest, and swirled by the wind. through narrow streets, above whlch lorna the famous fortress-shrlne of Mont.St. - Michel, the moapt daring creation o.f. the medieval imagina- .tion., Tbey are-ma n and wlfé, he, a Iithv daAi,,4 iIf*hntican. Rhe & work has been it neve: THE Pink Poodie Fa ri Jems -by pIaasisg votaineuf 6M1., lumheoe or dinner. Ph... Liber*yviU. 404M1 ~U UL an- nounds. And within the walls the daily human comedy of "tour- The novel is simply written, with subtie interweaving of draina and enery, moral confiiet. social ad- "WHI 4 to a the