Op WiUI*w Rd.- Va I81 L. lest of Sk.klI. Wvd. Fia.huil. bAmorleut Olaaers Whlchever YT« Proforl BOOTTLED or. CANif D adlIv.&u.Tour WNUO 1 *xTaî 'CertiA ge,- in sen Jwhere the young star is eating d1i- ner. Q~ueston"d as to the. reason why a 5-cent saucer of ice cream rated aÀ stand-ln, Pete Làizo, .property man explained. "Real ice-creami meits in the heatl of the lamps. That's one Èeason.ý. IMelted ice cream draws files, and it, takes me five mluutes to run 'emn down with a flit can. That's another reason. Third, we show Deanna eat- tng a plate of ice cream, and lt's got to be lu the same shape, minus *what she's eaten, lu each 'take'." The ice-cream stand-in, Latzo re- veals, *as just a humk of plaster-of- Paris. It cost more te make tharn a TASTY San Fer- coný 1 ars with "t ,u iiPara- i t esterday," 1. acreen personafltyj, las just ý" wth Spencer Tracy and inh mne of the leading charactera Leii