andlianaed on the green. Franchot Tone inadvertèntly kick- ed the bail which rolled into 'the cup., They had to allow the score and, Montgomneryý was wihner for the day. Hée also eritered his namée for the hole-i-one club,, despite protests from his three companions. Law Library- Purchased For Judge Hardy Films A. comnplete law library has been purchased for a, series of motion pictures. Because ail .of the Judge liardy F'arnily series oDn piin an urirýry flagship of the Unîted States fleet-, last week when she was made the "sweetheart" of the. giant war vessel Tne honor camne, to Martha as a result of her-ocurrent role in the comedy, "Give Me a Sailor," which has a Navy background. But she, didn't know what- it waz gomng to lead to. "You don't. remember me," the letter said, "but you autographed my cap for me. I'm gomng to have a tattooer paint your legs on my chest." 750 Human Scalps, Are OBJECTS", L OUT Lanny Ross--GlorIa Stewart U TrMiUIg Mystery Featifre at 7:55, 10:25 Feature at 0:45, 8:10 2 StartUag Priuay, October 7 for one fUwe.ký ý "'The Crowd uoWý"PL"TME E XMSj9R -~Robert Taylorndlh ot 1120 CNTUAL AVENUIE nom OPFICIAL MOVUE OU Sa '41 y will also be used of.Ii oes Not Pay" series St.1 _______Engý be E'OSTPQNED Jda] FrieayUturMy, Sept. »Oct. 1 STARS HAVE1 At Warner Bros., sme lates. on the floor havi The nei for the "( of shorts *The regrets in the