do for you. FIRITURESPAYN Aio wlclrudntv.&refigeratorls. ice me Iacquer-Wht a 1*1 kdoen r.oMaed. fran rpfrd JOSEPH F. KUSS UN 2bn St.Wlnetka 3671 15A.LTN3I4fce Ils iulLoixeANDM AI JOSEPH KNEIP luis PAGE US.;THE HOME SEtVICE PAGE PAINTINS AMP G@ATING Painting and Deeorating IOTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Reasonable Winnetoe 3M0 Pedersen Decorating Co. Am»o exterior work. WINNETK.A-4119. 3 . urkpo .1 OESET PIANO TUNIG. $. R pair, work guaraii$eed. t* *as ac- tory -exprince. - IL C. l. Il0'6mCo- umbia Ave. Park Ridge 1477. OOLTN*4tp EXPERT PIANO TUNING,. $50 with cleaning. Go anywhere. WitIi Steifnway Music SehooL 21 YOM'V exPer, ence. Magnus, Avenue 0m8. OOLTN2-4tp voie oCuxuýInn Music iASIwecIsUoe à8 l w b r l l n I n t a I i n . 4'lLTN1S4Ip PINOIS=TUCflOW IN TOUE HOME or studio. Advanced p a"s u begin- ner. Akpproved elassiccurwicu1uum. Also latent method for poPular swing harM -ny M 4?LTN16-tf c ARLiNE REAM, B.M. Piano for beginners and advanced etu- dents. Studio 1214 Cherry St.. Wlnn.. 4M0. 47L21-ltp PIANO LESSONS IN TOUR HOME. Uxvn tombehr. Grad. N. V7. Sehool ot, 'jai IL dl&W ý 1 ý U- , i