mod. 1404 I. ....... $36 Ponitiac B towring W3 OJds. 8 tour. sed... '37 CadlJac conv. . ed,.. W3 LaSalle tour. sed... '35 olds sedan $3,5 1.aSfl 5 seci... 137 Packard Super8 CAD ILLAC 'jarnished. Pivate lav. Garage. Stidt- 55able for light housekeêplflg Ph. Wil- mette 1527. 1iOLTI421-ltp 135LARGE, AIRY DOUBLE ROOMPRIV- M!E ANCE. BATIi oOMAD- "945 M8 Green Bay Rd., Winnetka 189 455 - -1iU.iTN21.ltp 50NICELY. FURNISRED SEPN 55roomn sultable for- 1 or 2 people. Rea- sonable. Two blocks to tranS. and res- taurant. 023 Prairie Ave. Vîlette 4333. 19495 uWrfi1LTN21I4tp LARtGE SUNNY ROOM WrITHPRIMATE 1aiY block to transportation. BreakfaSt optiomal. Garage If deslred. Whmtka 722. 162-t IEVANSTON 1 tv- wfl. 95,um. 1<181i Evansteu-5-22 Dis 9St., Hollycourt 1850 Win. 4M5 Gre-.55P 425 GROVE STREET 8 ROOMS-4 Baths 7 Roons-S Baths Rayinond Park Amernment Homnes i1lig. peu, 510 UId the us 1Jr- we céan offer, and then caRl us for an. appointmeflt.Occupanlts .UiexPectedlY moôving out-of-tow1n and must dispose of 111Ô Pine S t., WiTinetka « Greatly redueed to rent this week. Mod. Col. ,wlth lovely garden and grounds. 5 bedrms., 31Mýt te bas., htd. sun and, alpg. pch., oi, 2 gar. Make offer. Keys at our office. See SEARS REAL ESTATE EXCLUSIVE AGENT 421 Richmnld Road' Kenilworth 5»8 133LTN21-te WILMETTE ATTRF. 5 RM.- BRICIC BUNGALOW. .large,. grounzda. 2-car gar. q0. 4r,%Lni*lv lnated 7 rS. huse. near. ET PRICES .................. 435 GREEN BAN WR. m - P EVENI 193(j Qaklanda RADID E IIATER.. R=mova I,4M8Jefferson: BLDG. in. W. oU ih. R. M. JOHNSTON & Co. Mo0 Linden Ave. Wilmette 4 133LTN21-ltC 3. E. WfLM'TTE Liv. rm., Iibrary, din. rm.. pantry, 4 bedrms., 1 bath on 2nd fi., bedrm. on Srd fl. Large yard. H. W. oUl. $100. NEAR LARE IN WILMETE: Fine neighborhood. 4 bedrms., 2 baths. House in excellent co~ndition. H. W.o. 7x1!4 I42.4 Linde BATH:'S; OIL, 1.CI elc ergerator $140 ;hs, oil. 2-car gar., stove. rerator. $90. Is, HAll, i c. g. $75 ath, (brick), ol, 2-car ooms, HWH. 2-car gar.. 1553L ~Wnnetka 85 133LT1421-itt ~SAC oo»À surrIc É , résideùCe..