ing from 7:30 tb 9:530 o'cIocIc, Allen Phulbrick wlU conduet an evenlng lans open to all and sundry. Wide Usage of tOdy IThe beginner will recelîve'encour- agement; the expert, suggestion and crltlcism. Ail wlll enjoy the hours., Whether the medium is cra- yon, water color, or oil, Mr. Phil- brick.will Instruct and give valuable. halp. Both models, and still-life will be offered during the year, and the league members feel.that they are, off erlng a rare opportunitY for a very modest fee. Mr. Pbilbrick is one of the regular teachers t the. ,ChcagoArt Instltute. aid 'will give] be given on October 12. Mrs. Charles M. Eardin is chair- man of the hostess committee, whic)i includes: Mrs. John S. Lee, vice- chairinan; Mrs. Charles Acheson, Miss Virginia Bauer, Mrs. Ralph Hall. Miss Helen Johinson, Mrs. Herbert L. Gray, Mrs. J. Edward Kearns, Mrs. James King, Miss Mary Louise Paxon, and Mrs. Edward Twerdahl. Mns. Leslie Parker, chairman of the membership committee, lias for her vice-chairman Mrs. Harry E. Sheasby. The other members are Mrs. Paul Heineke, Mrs. C. D. South- ard, Miss Marguerite Stokes, Mrs. Hal Foust. Mns. Charles BUsqs, Mrs. to support the umiversîw ifor a: per- lbd Of years." Of the total amount., bsried $13,000 wlf be used for researchi, $7,000 for scholarshlpu, $6,000 for speclal projects, $13,000 for unie- strlcted purposes, and the balance' wilU be dlvlded among student loans, faculty salaries, libraries., feilow- slips, and building funds. Last year Northwestern universlty ranked Miii among ail American i- stitutions for amount of alunini sup- portis !und belng exceeded only by those of Yale, Harvard, Dartmouth, and Cornell. to the wlnner of the first rating, together with an appearance wlth the Philadelphia orchestra ln Phil- adelphia and New York. Sponsors for Young artists are Raudolph Ganz for piano, Madame Anna E. Sehoen- Rene for womans volce, Eft.m Zini- balist for violin, and Charles Hackett for mans volce., Inqurles and requests. for yeung artist bulletins may be made to- Rose Lyon DuMoulin, 421 Surf stréét, Chicago; Mrs. Frank P. Wblhtmo#, president Chicago district,-64 Abbot- sford road, lCenlworth, or Miss W. St. Clair Minturn, district president, Milhikin unlveraity, Decatur, nLU the work ps from ers. other adi schoohsa Tea,