Good-Iooking broadloorn close- Iy woven for durabiiy. Cornes in attractive colors that. wil f-hish the- îdeai background for ourfurnilture. 9X10 4$30-30 9xM0.. ~91 9x1k2 .,$36:06 12x1-2 ~ 8 9x16 ..4!7.58 12x14». ., 5576' 98. $53.34. 12x16 .......$6294 $19.95Oriental Reproduction Hvyal wool rugs;, ideal for- halls, sunrooms and for scatter us. Splendid reproductions of 995 Chinese and Oriental..rugs. Sige AX6. Speiai at............. 1x......$. 1878 l22O..$7.8 '27-lnch"Stair Car'etfi Wool i'elvet sair carpetingw Regularly' seUing at' $1.39a square yard.>-eFor this. *vent., Sq.ý Yd................ 9x112 $5.5Valu.! Jfeavy, first qtiality iu a large assortment of patterns and col. 3 or............ ..........sq .. Regular $ 1.69 a S quare Yard INLAID LINOLEUM A good selectIon of colors and patterns at a sengaUouafyly 1w i price. Sq. ft..................I12c choice WILMETTF, tIFE ,1 - - 1~~ ~ 19x1 '