Leit: You'd swear it was real fur-so closely does it resemble kt!, mazingly enough--it's Alaskan Kuri, an imitation fur, eut and styled to giv.e you the smooth lines only a box coat can giNve. A snug collarfits under your ýchin. $35 Righe,aBelbw: Bla1ck kit fox, brilliant with sillver, fashioned in a petal cllé-r and, full fur sleeves, givie: a aviii, luxuri ous look yQu'II .want to- pos- sess. ~ YOUi wbxnt'that square, high shoulder *ine haflters evy hgure. Quilted satininig $65. -.' h I Item.- Veils and Feathers q and$<5 A group of hats, that wiII glow Iustrously.above Y ou' furs ail winter , ats with frivolous trifles .of ve ils and sky-rocketing-feathers to addj this season's touch of flirta- tion t. your head. .If/n'i--Second F/or Chapter on HO0 ý;* aItem: SIERY HOLEPROOF In 3 Lengths $100 PR. See inside back, c0v. ot I.EV EL- 4 er page 'of this issue of THE REVImW. OCTO'BER, 6, 1938,4 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Visit Oiur Caala Hat Couniter on the First Floor. ) '4'