Mecca for Tour for Woman's Club For her first ail-day ,tour Mon- da, October, 24. Mrs. Daniel Zick, the enthusiastie, new chair- man of tours -for the -waysan mheans committee of the Wom- an's Club of Wilmette, has chosen- ,a tnip to the largest building in the world and thebiggest whole-, salebuying center iii the world. the Merchandise ,Mart. which contains the g reatest single group of wholesale offices:,and exhibi-, tions in To quote Rip- ley, " The Merchandise Mart will hold ail the people in Chicago." Many Wilmette people have wish- ëd tô gotrotrgh this r vtwhlesale house with its interestiflg display rooms, but it is not open to the pub- lie. That is why Mrs. Zick has choseti it, she says. for the first of her series of tours to which any- one who wants to may secure a res- ervatiti from her or any n'iember :)f her comniittee, whose names were in last week's WILMIETTE LIFE. In a prelixinary trip Mrs. Zick -wm,,ch *hat the pnublic hears, saic, but "are anything else but" ' exquisite glassware and china and table settings, and 'so forth and sb forth. To anyone .planning a new home or thinking of remodeling a home, or redecoratmng or repair- ing one, the trip woul&-seem almost indispensable. The'group will have luncheon in the building and in' the afternoon *wll be guests o! a broadcasting "Rebecca", by Daphne dLu Maur- ier, wiUl be the first book which Mrs. Lloyid Faxon will revieu' in her series of ten. readings of new and popular books and plays un-. der aupices of the ways and mneans committee of the Woman's Club of Wilmette Friday morii- ing, October 14. at 10 o'ciock i the lounge of the clubhoiuse. Mrs. Faxornis's teading have won widie Mrs. Faxon WiII Give Reviews as Club Benefit Like a membership in a delightful roading club is the card of admission wbich subscribers are securing for ten entertaining reviews of new and popular books and plays to bc given by Mrs. Lloyd Faxon. Winnetka-~. Tee for Uibrary The Garrett Library guild is in- vitlig its mernbers and friends to a tea at the home of Bishop and Mrs. Ernest L. Waldorf. 941 Sheridan road, Willmette., on October 27. a t 2: 30 o'clock . The president of the -guild. Mrs. Horace G. Smith. has been fo r- tunate in securinig Hope Sumqmers to read Thornton Wilder'ýs prize play "Our Town.". Thé guild' was orgariized to pro- ýmote the interests of the library of Garrett Biblical *institute. and the membership is made up of friends of the schooli .%Membersare. urged to bring guestsý to the t-ea and an yone interested is invited Io corne. Mrs. L. F. W.. Lesemann is chairman of the membership committee as- sisted by Mrs. Paul S. Minear. MVrs. Murray H. Seiffert. Miss Belle James. Mrs. Ray Honeywell. and 'Mrs. Clif- ford 14:. He-wharn.' Assistirig Mrs. Waldorf will be M'\rs. comm ittee. Birthday Club Luncheon Mýrs. Clifford E. Pves. 1630 Wa h - ington avenue, Wilmette. wvas. host- ess at the Biithday club luncheon given last Friday. at. Cooley's Cup- board for 4101,f ziists i honnr of iEvanston, Mrs. .Ilbert tierlocker of Kenilworth. and 'Mrs. John Enirich o! Glencoe.. Opens Hm 4' I Mrs., Daniel Zicek. 1.120 Lake avenue, introduces the first tour under her chairmanship on Mon- day, October 24. At that Urne anyovie interested may make res- ervations uiith her or her coin- mittee for a trip to the Merch-, andise Mart. Zuncheon. ancl at- tendance at a~ radio broadeast. The tour, as the others to corne. is pan ned under auspices of the' D. A. R. Division l'o Honor National-, Presidoeni Friday,.'October 14. will goodly crowd o! North Daughters of the American tion gathering for lunch at. t Ison Pirie' Scott and cornpan noon. tea room to welcomne M Qwasse, and Mrs. Miss Evoy [rs. Joseph Id Manly. L. Brown as friends Thursday, October 27, at 2:30 .o'clock. Hope Stêmmers will rend "Outr Town," Sew for Welfare An all-day sewing meeting of- the Infant Welfare Sewing group will be held at il o' dock. Monday, Octo- ber 10, at the home o! Mrs. Rudolph. Tencher, 828 Ashland avenue. 1 LMET TE LIFE 46 f inda Shore Rev olu- the Car- y after- rs. Heni- general