Grand ballroom of the Stevens hotél, has been conducting its! selection of models, amiong whom will be debutantes of this season. Just. who among the. twenty or mor ofthi yer'scropof debu- tantes left in Chicago and on the North Shore from among the total of fif ty-four,: will. sauinter in that: par:ade of ýfal and w'.inter fashions, * is not yet determined entirely, but amongthemn will be.Mary Haleand * Frances Price of Winnetka. Other mannequins will be Mrs. John Ames and Mrs. Williamn B., Hale' rom i'Win.netka, 'Mrs., George A. Poole, Jr., of Glencoe,,,and a for- mer Winnetkan, Mrs. Wâlter Field McLallen., III, nôpw of Chica-go. Mrs. John W. Gary of: Glenco e i gain is general. cha irman and treas- tiurer of the fashion show, and also continues as chairman of the Wom- ans board of St. Luke's hospital. *Mrs. Walter B. Wolf is in chrge of the fashion review: Mrs. A. B. Henry of the speclal feature: Mrs. John L. Cochran of the stage: Mrs. Frank P. Hixon is chairman of' properties assisted by Mrs. Allyn * D. Warren, Mrs. Gordon Lang. Mrs. Harold Eldridge, and Miss Mar- *garet Hixon. Mrs. Robert J. Thorne is in charge of exhibitors. Mrs. Harold C. Smith is chairman of modeis, with Mrs. John A. Chapman, Mrs. Cyrus Hf. Infant Welfare Cent.r Greels Its New Members _ S S ý Mrs. Willis Strong of. Glenview $ wshostess for a tea gvien by the rà0 42'8-3 i )uto 5 Kenilworth center of the Infant Wel - _____________ __________________ fare Society of -Chicago Tuesday' for' its neur menmbers. r MATTRESSES ItEMADE Low es, ... 4$3.95. hed eat rs.çKeith aron'iigs ednetsy a b apr eeins new ~f home at* 246 Franklin road1, Glenicoe. "It Next Tuesday.the center will hold its moénthly meeting at the IenilworthBR CHSS MER HO Ujnion church, -and a that tirne finalBAU HS LU ER HO plans for the, Treasure bail on No- EASO UNI. 2020' vember 19, at the Drake. will be dis- 10 15 .Sherumu AV*. t cussed. ____________________________________________ i AIR* p~E TPl Q ýGlore, M rs. A. Watson Armour an d Mrs. A: Watson Armour, III, are di recting the sale of boxes. The publicity is in charge of Mrs. John C. Pitcher and Mrs. Walter, MeLallen, III. Members of t h e, Woman's board are in charge of the programn, and the sale of programs is in the hands of Mrs. Robert Mc- 1 Cormick Adamis.. Miss Harriet Borland and Mrs. *day of the show for a "c.ress re- hearsal." The 1 i s t of boxholders for this event, whieh niakes a very large ;dot of importance in Çhicago' ,s win- ter social seaison, is a long one, but among them, are Mrs. Donald Doug-