Head of National Counci Makes First Appearance i Chicago at Meeting October 1 2 The opening.. of the new club season will e highlighted for .members of the National Coun- cil of Jewish Women. >Chicago section, and their'frien ds by the visit o hicagô of the iCounil-s national president. Mrs. Maurice Goîdmnan of New York city.. rMr.s. G(oidman'Nwill be the princi->. pàal speaker at the:Chicago, Section's opening meeting on Wednesday. Oc- tober 12, at 1:4,5, o'clock; aàt the Standard club, 320 Plymouth court. The meeting will be preceded:by an il1.30 o'clôck "brunch" at the club in honor of the national president. Mrs. Goîdman at this tirhe is pay- her official capacity. Elected at the University of Missouri, and for a short tirne was a faculty rnermber in its departiTent of rnathemnatics. Aderc her marriage she took up resi- dnein Houston, Texas, where she ré>-iimàd hr sitivities in the edu- Stale Radio CIiairmari and Member of Board Speakers on Day of Mernbership Tea Mrs. John B. Allen. a mi.o of the board of directors of the Illinois.League of Wonien Voter-s and its radio chairman. xwill ad- dress the Wilinette League. 0, Womnen Voters when, that Qr- ganization rneet,ý at 2 o'clock jMonday afternoon. 'October 10.ai the h ome f Mrs. Henry Brandi.. 816 Forest avenue. Through the efforts of Mrs. Harold Brown,1 (night), who are in charge of Out-of-Town, org chapter of Gam-ma Phi Beta at Northwesterrz charter nem bers o 'f the sorority have been pui other cities for the G 'làden AnniversaryI of the held ini Evaston October 15 and .6 Arrange. Art Tour, To Review Mrs. Georg 229 Lake avenue, Wil- ganization-s for Epsilon universitil.' fire of the ,rsILadled to corne 'from! ch apter which will beý Photos by Carlos Book ,e Burl "Te ,e of Wilmnett( trong Man o: bership t ea, that afternoon, and er memiber is asked to corne andbrinm *a prospective memnber. - Mrs. Allen's talk will concern ii, self with wornan's responsibility in a cemocracy for participation 'n igovernment. With her fine baokg-r-ouid of sOciai. tradition, what with being the -graind- *niece of the late Jane Addams andi the Haughter of James Weber Linn. University of Chicago professor and Chicago journalist of note, Mrs. AI- len brings a hurnor and ready i which makes her listeners interested *and responsive. She is a graduate of Bryn Mawr and her interest out.- e side of her family, consisting of her of husband. and. two srnall ~daughters. ~has been the League of. Women Voters. Education for, eight years, and not wveek, rounding up. ail members 0.f. only completely undemnized the 'The Neighbors of Kenilwvorth who school ýcurriculum but directed an are.anterested in the club tour of thé $1l,O0O,000 building expansion pro- Art institute in Chicago, and. who gram, the counicil announces. appreciate the opportunity of 2njgy- The rother of three children. ing luncheon at the famous Arts club, Mrs.Goldan hs alays ain-afterward. This event is to, take tained her interest in child welfare place on October 11. and i child education. She is chair- A guide has been engaged to show- man of the Germnan Jewish Chil- the group throughi the most interest- dren's Aid. . mc.. 'a group which is iflg exhibits t0 be found at the insti- +--+ I- a. i eivervnevho be in charge Proq rom Chail the sewving ment., says Mrs. Allen.. may be re- oke VIII. garded as a widening circle of in- terests that have alwas concerned her-home. children. a n dthe communïty. ýrmonMrs. Allen goes on to say that the rm n reason the original groups of.,on11n ________-worked for, suffrage was.'not to ai- tain sufrage a s an end in itself but. because' the vote xas needed tohelp achieve things of vital concern1, these interests of wor-nen in their hoefor their families, and for the orgàni- simultaneo;us>memDbersnlp ieas on p.sie ot the afternoofl of September 21. Ac- meeting, -ar cording to Mrs. Myersofl 275 new Goldy-nan. Morris, presi- go sec 'ion, will brunch and the introduce Mrs. 6:45, O'CWVIV W meetîng. la> by Mrs. Edm rat will follow t] the Mrs, J. H.]1 L. Scherzer w~ eeting, presidted over d Devlin, president, tallç. din and Mrs. George assist Mrs. Crawford. WILMETTE, LIFE i '~1