to Repubî1 ca n -Clu b Beqins Lccture Series on MOur GovermetToday and Tomjor- r ow"l in Winneika Monday * Never content to rest on itsls hu- * rel.iý. the W omens Republican Club' * of New TPrier is initiating a new pro- gram for its members next Mon- d ay. * Prof. .Earl. DeLong,. assistant pro- fessor of political science at' North- western university, begins a: series of'three lectures on October 16, at 10 *A. M. at Winnetka Commùnîty House on "Our Government-Toçlay anid Tomorrow." No theorist on wrhat governnlt ;hould or should not do, Professor DeLong has had practical exper- ience in his own home town, Evans- t on. as chairman of its Civil Serv- ice comnmission. A member. als.) o îf the prograxn committee of the Rtpblican party, he was chairman o f one of its round-table conferences at the recent meeting .of the corn-, mittce in Chicago. Tefor Civic League Tefirst of the' 1938-'39 series of open luncheon of the Wil- mrette' Civie league is sc-heduled for Friday, October 14j, in the English room of Marshall Field & cmpany's *State street retail. store. The hour is 12 o'clock. Presidentý Howard Miller an- n ounces :that grade separation will be the topic.for discussion, this proj- ect. now 1being , uppermost, in. the minds of .villagers. Foliowing: its set policy of presenting live topics. of villageconcerni for, cônsideration without prejudi.ce or active suppor.t for or against, thisý meeting %will. be an, open forum, in_ which anyone present may express bis opinions freely, The. league extends an invitation to ail citizens of the village to be. present and participate in theo dis-ý cussion. Reservations for the luncheon may be made through Howard Miller, president, 1001 Greenleaf avenue, t elephone Wilmette 4148. Mrs. Ayres Is Named Roads Commissioner Mrs. Lloyd Clark Ayres, 3035 Lake., avenue, Wilmette, was appoînted N ew Min isfer The Rev. Erskine M. ,effords', newlyi appointed minister of the Wilrnette Parish Me th od is t church, will occupy the, pulpit on Sitnday morning, Oct. 16, at 10:45 o'clock. Members and friends of th e church were invited to. wel- corne the niew minister at this service. Made -by Board. Seek Federal: Grant for Wilmelt. Imprvemnt;Es+ir4ate .Total Coet a+ $1[963000 Wednesday of last week. the Wil- mfette Village board, byý its attorney, William: M'. J ames, filed. with. thé federal Public 'Works , administra- tion an application for funds to -de- fray a portion Of the cost of rail-ý road and street grade separation through the.. village. The total co,-t of the.,improvement, according to the application, is es- timated at $1,963,000. 0f this amount a grant of $883,000 i8 sought frorn the PuLblie Works admifristra- tion, leaving the remainder, or $1,080,000 to be borne by the rail- roads and the village. Hopeful of Success That the application was .received with favor is evidenced by the fre- quent requests of PWA for addi- tional information, or clarification of certain portions of the specifica- tions. The board is greatly encouraged %%o(rld's governnients going off into oppo site directions, it is high time that we stopped to take stock of where wie want our Amnerican Gov- ernmeût to go." Professor DeLong's, first lecture,. niext Monday, will be on "'Changing, Funcitions, of American . Govern- menit," and he will éutline for the Republican women the history and, * (Continued on Page 17) expîred tern of her husband who A native of Vermont, the Rev. Mr, passed aw&ay several weeks ago. Jeffords is a graduate of Syracuse Mr. Ayres was elected i 1937 for, university and of Garrett Biblical a four-year terni. institute, With additional post gradu- ate study in religious education at ENTER PENN HALL Northwestern university. MViss Jane Palmer of 501, Wash-' A mnember of several major boards ington avenue and Miss Mary Jane and commissions in his conference. ?ierson ot 139 Laurel avenue, Wil- he is also active in civic as well as mette have entered Penn Hall school religious groups. He is married and at Chambersburg, Pa. has a 12-year-old son, Erskiiie, Jr. Want Public Attitude However, the board at its meeting Tuesday night gave expression to its definite deterniination to make no further move ini the matter until the attitude of the citizenship of the village has been revealed. This will be .sought through a postcard refer- endum. Letters now ini preparation, together with a return post~ card, will be sent. by mail. vrobably early Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Tathanm, 1128 IF.abella street, and their chl-i drèn, Jane and Judith, came homel abo),ut three weeks ago from Scars- daicý, N. Y., where they spent three months this summer. Since their return Mr. and Mrs. Tathàrm have been on a tnip to Hot Springs, V4. )RESS. ON'T TAKE A RISK! REGISTE.R TOD.AY-! ivr JVJ. ct ir. L JAshland avenue. been designated jNight." .d. A, IJUWE The occas as "Civie