Charter Members Corne for Reunion *Fifty years, ago this October, when fine yourg co-eds of Northwestern university ýreceived officiai notification that they were to .be the charter members of 'Epsilon chapter of Gamma Ph i Beta sorority,,their thoughts un- doubtedly were so occupied with the exciting present that a re- union haif a century, later seem - ed unbeIievabIy remote.. On the week-end of Octoberý 15-16, five of this original> group, Mrs. Charlotte Lyford Boyd of Galva, .I1., Mrs. Caroline Clifford Burbank of Lagûria Beach, Calif, Mrs. Olive Foter Corlett of Sierra Madre, Calif., MtLiveia Kay' ofWatselta, Ill., and Miss Mary Ilolderman of Morris. Ill., wtth more than 300 other altimna * of Gamma Phi.Beta, will gather in Evanston for the Golden anniversary of their soror- *i ty.' The celebration willE open Satur- day, October 15, with registration at the Gamma Phi >house, where at rioon, a buffet luncheon will be served, with Mrs. Godfrey Jacobi of Winnetka.i charge of arrange- i7 " Before Annual Rum- mage Sale Opens OnIy arranging and pricing re- main before. the, women of, the Guild of Christ church,. Winnetka. are ýready for their, annual rum- mage. sale, which will, be held thisý year on Thursday, -October 13. fromi 8 until .5 ini the Parish House, 470 Maple avenue. An unusually varied 'stock offers added -attraction to: the purchaser. in, -the treasure departm ent; presidQd over .by Mr's. Roy Bard. and Mrs. Arthur Cox, the buyer mnay choose a silver service, water pitcher or coffeepot, rare Venetianglasslj., elry, and varioug objets d'art. :Mr-. John Davis, and Mrs. James' D. Baker are going to have more wAork than usual this year, judging frorn 'the nwffber of toys whikh have been, contribuited. "How would you like a dolI house? Or an electrie t;i packed in the original container- is their query. Tho.e Who need lined draperies ail ready to hang, or Verretian blinds, .will find that Mrs. BuNy Kiddoo and Mrs. Fed Blake can supply tiheir wants. Mrs. Benjamin Smith and Mrs. H; S. Browne offer books, varying from the latest in modern fiction to odd volumes' of iLi.a. ZEdy ofvanston is making the plans for this feature of the celebration. There will be a huge birthday cake in honor of Epsilon' s fiftieth birthday, and the decora- tions and favors will be in keeping with the Golden anniversary motif. Mrs. Hope Summers Witherell wvill be the toastmistress for the occasion and although her complete plans have not been dis closed, the guests will probably get a back- Inde ream lace w :îp Veil of tulle, Miess John Valéau RathboÙe ýding dress over lustrous ivoTy satin andi a ftn ger- lén Burneli Rathbone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. f Westwood, a suburb of Los Angeles, 'formerly rriecL September 17, to Richards L. Layman of .Gertrude Richards Layman of Ur-bana, Ill. iests uere present for the ceremoni, which took love137 assortm-ent of frocks, .and the shoe department, headed by Mrs. Donald Lourie and Mrs. Jules de Lescailles, has, in addition to utili- * tarian stock, it, offers, a.large supply of evening slippers. .Other depa 1rtmnents equally pre- .pared to meet.demnands on that busy Thursday morning include- lamps. Mrs. A. Miles Wright andi Mrs. Har- ry. Kimbark; men's wear, Mrs. James Wilson and Mrs. David s. treasurer; Mrs. ulirickI~,li n.and Mrs. Fred Mrs. Dai ; Mrs.' George chapters., inders, ris. Mor- Mr, and Mrs. Enchelmayer- (Gisela~ Josepha Sauer) were mnarrÎedSp ternber 3. ep WILMETTE LIFE