eAttentlion Dy 'ELIZABETH N. LANGE, Flowers and hairdresses--and the two in-combintion-shared. honors with clothe in Catrn the attention of the hundreds of,. women assembled in the' New Týrier High school gymnasiuxn Wednesday afternoon of last week .for the annual fashion show of the Winnetka. board for the, Northwestern University settie- ment. This year, the tables for the tea foflowing the show were arranged in the exhibition' room, adding decora- tîve interest with the deep reds and purples, and the soft lavenders of the fail flowers arranged by rep- rêèàéitativ'eË o!f fur'garden groups. With green garlands holding baclc blue theatrical gauze' curtains' to reveal a cloth of gold background, the stage was draniatized for the entrance of the doz- ens of debutant es and post-debutantes assembled as models. Onle of them, "Mimi" Bart1ett, chose her own blue. hoop-skirteci debut dress to set off, the rubrum hMies 'worn at the waistline and 1in her haîr, and to give contrast to those mixed with deep red carnations as a formnai dinxier centerpiece arrang ed oin. a egrt she wheeled.1 In' this same and .-their infant daughter, Susan. mnoved frém Evanston to the home they haveé 98 Robsartý road. The house'was 'formerly ýowned, by theý Peter F. McNamees who, have moved into their new home at 1028 Pawnee rtoad in Indian Hill Estates. Mr. Lindsley's parents are the, Ar- thur J.- Lindsleys of 1260' OxIord road,. Kenilworth,, and his, grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. William B. Montgomery, 228 Raleigh road, Ken- ilworth. Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery. have just recentlY returned from , a motor trip to' northern, Minnesota. Have Department Day Octoberil The Illinois League 'of Womnen, Voters will..hold its.aninual fall Depf:artment, day .for Chicago and northern Illinois, leagues ,on -Tues- day, :October li, at Judson court at, the Unive rsity of Chicago. The rnorning sessions,' ýbeginning at 10: 30 o'clock, will be given, over to a discussion. of the program of .wýork by, the various departments and plans will> be made for -n- forming ail members of the vani- ous items, for study and support. AIL depar tment'- chairmen and in- terested members are asked to at- LunceonBri getend, and luneheon reservations will' Mrs Pal J Dolig eterairedbe taken until Saturday by Mrs. Mrs.Pau J.DowingentrtanedFrederick W. Me rrifield, 1014 EIrn- twelve uss tuohoanbrdewoavne imt. M,'s. Charles E. Brandriff (the -at her home, 620 Isabella street, last former Mary Forrest. of Win- Friday. ini honor of Mrs. Hugh' A. At the luncheon meeting at wý%hich netka) as vice-chairmian is as- Drum, the wife of General Hugh A. Mrs. George G. Bogert, president. sisting ivith plans for the card Drum, commander of the Sixth wiIl preside, the speaker will &e pcrtyi which the Evanston and Corps area. General Drum. is being Frank Bane, until recently executive North Shore alumnae chapter of transferred east, and he and Mrs. director of the Social Security board Kappa Alpha Theta sorority will Drumn are leaving for New York and now executive directorý of the Ahold October 28. at Shawnee this month. Council of State Governrnent, who Country club for the bene fit of will address the several hundred that organization's national loan mrembers on "Social Security at and fellowship fund. Last year Ms lc ogne fOaa Work. * Mr.Brandriff ser.ved iii the' Ms lc ogesno mh, The di rté,~n;1 rini n riea. z eiiow rss n zit èsýv be used' on a debut table. were disp1a: by her. Other table arrangements fali colors and in white were shown Miss Marion Farwell, Mrs. Edward T< telot. Jr.. and Miss Margery Shuri whose own flowers, were larkspuir ii coronet arrangement. 'rhree hairdresses were displayed another feature of the show, one ani swirl arrangement for long, hair. other for short hair, and the third conmproise between the old and , street o * a grè.en rm ure, a, four' elor For Kappa Delta Mothers' the mse' car- The Kappa Delta Mother's club Chicago. ýS to wiUl greet mothers of new pledges at yed , i a luncheon ini the Walnut room of i by Marshall Field's in Chicago Wednes-. Our- day, October 12, 'at 11:45 o'clock. nan, in a Tey will attend the style show, and afterwards the matinee performancef 1 in of Talullah Bankhead's play, -I Am. w'- Difterent". at the Selwyn theater.- -d the 1coh'bnatlon, »d the, jacket ,and anotheV ce suit, ue ee at t) ,is Eirgoged eral years. No date has. been set' for' the wedding. Eugene. Rayi Photo wiio w YJL vi. uy, cairector of the Chica go Council on Foreign ReLa- tions, has just riqturned from a sunu-' mer spent in Europe, will have first- hand knowledge of the foreign situa- tion to help her department in form-. utngits course of action. Rer department will include nti study an analysis o!f.the attacks on the trade agreemients 'prograr n l order to repel future legisiative al- tacks on thie trade treaties * Lisle W. Elliott .o! 1729 Lake av- enue is leaving today (Tliursday) for Rice lake, Wis., to spend tite'week- end fish ing. WILMETTE LIFR 1 l' 'o ýÀl