RICHELIEU ewPaeÀk ýPRESERVIES" 8EEDLESS BLACK ORXWE *RAS'BERRY 0 PINIAPPE AND APRICOT, (bI.nded) 0 PURE MACH PANCA KE FLOUR SYRUP 'Cane &Map 31/2 sb ac& 16C le . I1 La. 00r JARS 20 og. 9g c Piaf- Dot. 23c 31/2 POUND AVERAGE FRYUNC CKICKENS e.ach 8 5 C Farewell Sermon Dr.' Elmer E. ýHelms, ofLos AngjeLes,.Calif., will g rue thé lagt, of a series 6f sermons at the Wilmette Parish Methodist church SUnday miorning, October 9.: Dr. Helms has se r v e d i as1 guest.- Preacher iii the",parish for several weeks. 6,98LV oters Register foÏ Ballot in -Village ,Village. Clerk Nicholas P. Miller reports that 6,981 voters have reg- istered /in the permanent registra- tion for Wilmette. Hue also announces that villagers who have negiected to--regster, or who have mnoved since registering, may qualify to vote in the N1ýo-al vember 8 election by applying at his office in the Village hall between 9 and 12 o'clock on any business i Effect on Groups On Monday, Octobear 17, at 10 a.m., Professor DeLong's second tal'ý will outline the effects lie beleves these changes will have on,- "The .Business Man, The Farier, Tht, Worker and Their Government." The third and final lecture's time will, be changed from. 10 a.n: t 2 p..m., Monday, October 24,, to coin- cide with thé club's annual meeting. His final topfic will discuss. the resulis of these changes on "The 'Priva te Citizen and His Government." This meeting Will at-Communitv- House. Plan Endorsements Mrs. Edward B. Hall, persident of the club-, will preside. at -the annual meeting. Results of -the memhbtrsh!,p drive which ends this week wil be announced. And endorsements. .of, candidates running in the November election will be discussed and -voteci upon by the club members. One of the most important 'fui c- tions of the org.a4nzzti.oxnis the care- fui consideration that it gives to candidates runnîng for office, And that the voters *of the township weigh very carefully these endorse- ments is proven by, the fact that these candidates having the club en - dorsements have always won in the township by a very large majority. Professor DeLong's lectures are free to al members of the club up- on presentation of tleir mernbership cards, it i8 explained. FISH PIP WHEAT KRISPIES .e. o e e e e ~e 02IIde lb. )n tg Bacho.> appjies to Kenilworth, . Winnetka and Glencoe. Weiland's Flowers to hlave Formai O)pening Villagers are invited to attend thel formal opening of Weiland's Flowers, the new fiower shop opened recently at 1168 Wilmette avenue. Math ias P. and Henry C. Weiland, who extend the invitation to resi- They'I1 Be Guests at Drake Game Saturday, Three readers Of WILMETTE LiFn will witness the Northwestern- Drakee university football game at Dyche Stadium, Evanston, Sat- urday, October 8, as guests of this rnews-magazjne. e.. CINTRAL and TWELFTH - WILME1TE -ALPOE 1 I 4. ALL PHONES 510