novels are published yearly in this country than. any, other type of fic- tion. _Since' 1929, mhýstery novels; have outdistanced :the whole field of fic- tion, books. In 1905, 'one in' twentyr novels published wags a- mystery story. The ratio is now one ini every four- a proportionate. increase of 500 per céent. More than 3800 works of fiction were catalogued b~y Bloom iï.n the course of bis survey, which included 80 to 90 per cent of the novels pub- ~*. , lished. at six-year inte rvals sînce 1905. The books. studied were divid- edinto fifteeri classes of subject mat- ter, such -as the famnily, social Gibson Photo change, peirsonality, economics and "Fun and Health," a new book government, and the like. Tabula- outlining play avnd activity for tion of resuits indicated that mys- children up to age of ten or tery stories are, by - far, the most twelve, p u b 1li s h e d by Albert "Perhaps the most important reas- ivritten by Mary Broum Greer son for this trend in American fic- (Mrs. H. D. Greer), 507 Oakd aie tion is the age-old trait of curiosity, avenue, Glencoe.' Mrs. Greer is the love of à puzzle," Bloomn de- director of phyjsical educationin l clared, "People are reading mys-ý the Winnetka Publie scl2ools. téries because of, the same hum'ýan -__ characteristic that sent thèm to jig-ý Film Gok' f saw and crossword puzzles." The recent premier in New York Other réasons Which the sociolo- Cit of the new Amkino film, "Chuld- gist suggested for the tremendous hood of Maxim Gorky," calls atten- populàrity of the "who-did-it" type fion to th fha tthatt h juat Co., Chicago. Play and physical activity 'are so important in every child's life it is surprising no, child educator hap- j pened before on the material con- tained in Fun and Hfe<'lti, an activ- ity book written by Miary B. Greer, pl'ayground director in the Win-. netka. public schools. The volume is amfong the new fail books pub- lished by Albert: Whitman -& Co. of Chicago, Who issue the JuniorPres Books. Babies, or small boys. and girls up to the, age of 10 or .12, like to run, jump, wave their hands and feet about, swing,, crawl- and play &"make believe." Dozensý of- sug- gestions for, directing. the natural. activity of a child, and encouraging s.trong physical developm ent have" acc ordingly been brought together' in Fun and Health bY Mrs. Greer. Addressed in part through photo- graphic illustrations, nursery r .imes and music to the children, and 'Ln part through careful instructions to parents or teachers, the book is a guide to happier recreation hours. Not a rigid or rigorous prograrn to be followed exactly, but rather a n openi door to more and bettei' play. it urges parents to use the suggestions as a nucleus to stimnu- late ail sorts of other spontaneous gamies and exercises for chidreni. Few people know more about their subject or are as fired with enthusiasm as Mrs. Greer, who has been working with recreational grlnt n10 f n nvi f.,>nnt nr z nic' - 1 _______-_,_-_,,,________ lJrs£ ne &zje iJJ' II Um VL publcity campaign of 'Mr. Hoover ghin, Gorky lias obviously dravn, and bis G-men may have had some wvidely upon his own experiences. influence on thîs trend," Bloom con- The noveis that comprise this great cluded. "However, there can be no, work are: Bystaitder, The Magnet, doubt of the dramatic values of Othe'r Fires, and The Specter, which Patromize Our Adve'rtisers crime situations, affecting, as they attrac ted sucli wide attention upon do, ,,man's elementary emotions." its' publication last spring. TIP: KIIP IN TOUCH WITH: YOUR BUICK.DEALERI, She attended the Chicago public schools and was graduated fromn the Chicago Normal School o! Physical Education. Later she took post- graduate work at the Arnericani School of Gymnasium, Indianapolis,, Ind., studied philosophy o! educa- tion at Stetson university in i Flor-. Ida, and js now obtaining lier mas- ter' s degree in education at North- western 'university. Mrs. Greer h-is published by Houghton Mifflin com-- pany on October 1l, is greeted by William Allen White as "a new way and a wise way of looking, at our country." SPECIAL STATUONERY 18 leffer sheets, 18 notes,ý 36 mivelops P4tdwitk your name and ad=rs