Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1938, p. 5

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Announced .Sunday, Octçber 30, opens the twenty-fifth season of the New Trier Sunday Evening club With ;the ap- peararicé ofthe farnaus Don Cossack. ýchorus in the Leslié- Gates gym- *nasim utrium at the high * school. * Those-'sponsoring, the club are en- thusiastic, for: not only have ,ethey arranged a mnost outstünding pro- grarn,. but the. responses to their. appeals hàve .brought subscriptions alrnost suficienit ta caver, the. ex pensesfor, the entire seasan.', Spe-. cial interest centers around this sea- son's program for it -is the first time that an effort has been madc to secure .advance subscriptions and eliminate' plate -coéllections at. the Sunday Evening meetings. New Sesating Plan Anather feature of this seasons program is the new seating p lan which will permanently reserve * seats for ail sponsors and their fam- ilies. Fine new seats are bemng ini- * saledin the New Trier High school auditorium which will add ta the- comfort and pleasure af thase hav'ing reserve seats an 'the main floar. *The Sunday Evening club is uinique. It is probably the aldest of its character in the country - cantin- lack of apportunities a t New Trier High school for the students wha do not go ta. college. 1I should like ta have the ôppôrtunity afcammeniting9 brIefly..on.-thig point oa, view. It îs true that New Trier is. nat a trade schoolnor a technical schaal. Its primary aim is géneral education, andu its, purpose is ta give boys, and girls four years of apportunity that will be aof value. dur-ing those. four. years as well. as in aiter life, re-gardless af whether. they go ta college or hot., [ t is also a fact that a mi-ajor7ity of -aur students do go ta, college, -.roughly 70 per, cent,. and that :as. high as' 85- ta 90 per, cent register, with the signed statemnent of their parents' indicating their in- tention 'of gaing. ta callege." Prep- aration for college naturally be- cornes aone of the important cofisid- * Cites Opportunities Hawever, I wish ta point out the opportunities for the pupil who does not go'ta college. We have a com- merce department with eleven teachers, and the following subjects are affered: Vocational cîvics, gen- eral business, penrhanship, business correspondence, ecanomie geag- raphy, bookkeeping, business math- Iudustria.l Arts In inidustrial arts we have six teachers, -and offer fihe- follawing -courses, mechanical drawing, engin- eering drawing, -architectural draw- ing, elemrentary woodshop, wood turin- ing, auto shop, machineshop. In' home eco mo1 ics we have-*three and'a haîf teaiche s, and oifrthe followîng courses: foods,. clothing, home eca- nomic s for boys, interlor decoratian, and household management. In art we have -three teachers and. offer, the follawing courses:, four. years af applîed arts, free hand, drawing, stagecraft, and art appreciation. Some of the 'students in .the music department and in the physical. ed- ucation department use their train- ing in these departments ta. imme- diate vocational ends. Expensive Equdpmnt I at ieast t'wo of these 'delft-' ments, the industrial arts and home economice departrnents, the equip- ment is expensive, and the per pupil cost is much higher than in some ai the regular academic depart- ments. Fewer pupils can be taken care of in a class. I simply point aut these facts k> show that the nan-academnic. pupil, or the pupil who does not go on ta coflege, is, not overlooked but has November or Lose Elsewhere in this issueMichael J. Flynn,. Caunty Clerk, publicly calis the attention et ail non-registered voters, ta the, tact that another op-, partunityr is afforded"them.,to regis- ter sa that t hey'will be entjtled te vote at the electian ta be held.Tues- day, -Navember 8, 1938. Nan-registered vaters wifl have the last appartunity .te get their* nameés on. the' lists. Tuesday, October 11, 193, by registering at the Village hall ini their tawn.- Persans residmrg in unincarporated territary -in the township mnay registei at any- o! the Village halls in New Trier, it is ex- plained. Registration hours are from 6 arin ta 9. p.m. Given Ample Time, until Octobe2r 3, 1938, ail1 viIIage, C lty and town clerlçs were available fojr the purpase af registering voters and many persans taok advantage of th~e opportunity and registered with their local clerk. Mr. Flynn says, "The village, city. and town clerks co-aperated wlth me ta the fullest extent to secure a ful as its neaa, la espeèially pleaseci as lie reviewvs his many. year,ýzai civic works along the North Shore and 4:Continued on Page 4) Arthur Hawkinson Is New Police Sergeant~ Police Officer Arthur Hawkinson was pronioted ta, the rank of se r-I g.eant on Ôctober 1. The appoint-l graduates from the ofice practice course. It cannot- be denied that in any schoal, certain pupils may go through and graduate and not be properly prepared for samne position that mnay. suddenly apen, and which has technical requirernents that. he not met. Sometimes this may' hie fault of nie schaol, and same- s At ray be the fault ai the ta be apen until October .11, 1938, for the purpase ai registering voters. 1 ~ Must Get Transfer. Apersan who registered under nie .jurisdiction ai County Clerk Flynn and who moved ta another address under bis jurisdiction must a. transfer ai his registration ta his new address not later than October 11. Women wha married aiter regis- Surely you have same-some- where. Please let us' have them. Note: Economy Shop is conducted by the Woman's Club of Wllnette. Proceedsare philanthropie purposes. Professor DeLong's lectures will be giveri under auspices af the Women's Republican club ai New Trier. The general therne is "Our Government- Taday'ancl Tomorro W." Details are given elsewhere in this issue. To place a Want, Ad, cali WINý4ETKA 2000 WILMETTE 4300 ICenitral avenue, i1 Lof George F. ili f,1 this year. ister o!f te1 e-

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