NEW CARPETINC BIGELOW BROADLOOM HARDTWISTI-.Carpeting> $4,95square yard, Let u will be give yo u an estimate-. Yoii surPrised at t/he big savings 1107 GREENLEAF WILMETTE 1200 NUTRITIVE TONUC. SQUIBB Navitol Malt comrpound, Syrup oi vitamins with liver extract atid Oecalcium phosphate., 1l1 Rich In Naturai Vitamins. 1ilb. Jar............ .. $1.69 2 lb. - Jar ......... $2.79 HDROX ICE CREAM LAYER, BRICK Chocoate 2 layers of Vanilla ice PACKAGE Maple Nu+ Ice 'Cream Fudge between Cram44c 22c il DEE:eDABLE DRU"IGSTS RIDGE AVE. PHARMACY SNIDER CAZEL. DRUG CO. 901 Ridige Rd. Wil. 316 1 167 Wilmette Ave. Wi. 400 ]Huerter Po si' Commander In a ceremony in Hoffmýan'hall Saturday night, Phillip- L. Hil- linger, Jr., 1715 Elmywood >avenute, was installed as commvander of Peter J. Huerter Post No. 669 Amierican Legion, which was or- ganizecl iii 1919. Hqe is a charter. mem ber, aiid las- held .every office in the post. Carlos Ph-oto tDeadline for Artist- Recital Checks Near Subscribers to the 1938-'39 Artist- Recital series in the auditorium of New Trier High. school have been very prompt in clainîing their tick- ets, but there are stili reservations for wvhich check., have not been -sent. ~ The tiié, of the first concert,. a recital by Richard Crooks on Octo- _bQr 24, approaches rapi dly, the Art- istRecital committee of the Win- netka Music club -emphasizes, and unless the tick~ets are secured by subscribers very shortly they wil] be turned. over to the waiting list. *Checks should. be madle payable to the Winnetka Music club and to Mrs. Eloise Wortley àt .544 Ches1 - nut street, Winnetkaj. Arr Party to CIerfy Groups The Wilmette Corniiiunity. Chest campaign for 1938-'39 got off. to a good start Saturday, a great mu of the more than 250 rmen workcrs getting on the job immediatelv. Sufficient ,time has 'not elapsed, however, for the Chest office to tab- ulate treturns and na kc a réport on progress. *Recruiting of the wv oti.ei workers has. now been completed,. and both, men and women worke-s,. have been supplied with canvassing outfits in- cluding the, names of six citiz.ens. upon whom they -to caHl for con- tributions., Accredited Beneficiarie s Special emnphasis is laid upon tfle organizations mnceiucied in this year*s bugt. A Il * re lully accredlted charitable organi zations, doing a commendiable service each - in ils particular field. To the aid of these charities the Chest has no hesitancy in calling the- citizens of Wiimette,. knowing that e-very dollar subscrib-, ed will be spent judicrnîiyv in aiding the needy. Tnese organizations and their shares in the Cnies.t budget are as follows: Wilniette Fainily Welfare association............._ ...._ ,0 Wiîmiette lealth Center.......... 4,000 Amnerican. Red Cross -... .. -1,00U IArden Shore association .......... 5,000 Infant Welf are association ........ 5,000 Boy Scouts (North Shore. Area Council)............... 2,500 Girl Scouts.......... ...... ...'2,000 Illinois Children's Homne and Aid society ...........500 Salvation Armny.... ....... . 500. Volunteers of Amievica . 125' Ask Co-operation Elmner D. Becker, p)residet4"t of th e Chest: association,, reitera.ted "the ap- peal to villagers to, cooperate wiith * canvassers in the saving' of time by being prepared to make their contributions promptly and tlius ob- viate the necessity for second cails. .RAPP )res: nie. MARKET Free -Pick-up and Delivery j m~jsi West -of BankPtoieOu detsr t Patronize Our Advertisérs