The race is bLi very cose. 1 - teaMts tied for first place, eight teanns Gunners: Harold J,. Lindberg, tied for second place, three teams Capt.. Forest Brightwell, Harold 0. tied for third place, and four teatns Mohr, Raymond Petty, Walter F.. tied for last Place.. Severin. Results for last week were:Treds: errtAGolJ. Wilmetté Tailors won 3 from W.1i I CptWilamJ Btr eog Weiandwo 3 ron1i É. Leal, Kellogg Lôgsdon, Guy *L. Bôrden Weln.wn3.Èi Wilrnette !,White. Theatre. Bonibers:. George B.:. Bassier, River Inn won 2. frorn Ace Motor Sales.Cp. a9rE.DltoEns dry.n~lwwn2franNisnLui A. Gould,_ Joseph H. Heinzen, Stan- Brai Bras. won 2 frorn F. Meier..J1. ley M. 'Peterson. v, ,Hcks Irier won 2 frorn ScepttUs Mor- Atley:RyodC.' tiins,. Vo Mac's Confectfonlery -won 2 frorn John CaPt., F. C- Bird,; Orvýile G. ?aÏly, Wtten's Déec. Fred C. Lippen, W. D. Re, __ s._ Evanston Paint and,Glass won. 2 fron Te19893 asnsaréof- ýHarry Texaco Sieren. h 98-99sasn 7te fi Wilmette Battery and Elec. iNon.2:from cially last Friday and will continue Shirnonek's Service Station. 'each Friday until' May, 5.. The two hundred or'better bowleis last Y High team series-Artillery-917- week were*-E. Beser-248 and 202; C. 4-8-72 Schwall-222 and -209;, E. Shannahan- 4-8-72 220 and 215; M. Loutsch-210 and 200; High team game-Gunners-946 M. Kneii-ý-236: M. Braun--220; P. Weiler High indivîdual series - George -222; Rt. Bartell-213; É. Leis-213: M. Leal-205-I87-214--66. Thalman-2,06; P. Schopen--202; P. Thal- rnan-2-01:, G. White-201, aud fR. Braun High individual game - Harold -Jon P Wltjr. ecetaY. Gunners took three gainés fromn Destroyers; Engineers1 took tbree THETA UPSILON RHO LEAGUE gamnes from Bombers; Artillery Members of the Theta Upsilon Rho took three games from Torpedoes. intra-club bowling league competed. Teamn Won Lost Pet. forindvidal ig scre onos lstArtillery................ 3 0 1.000 fo idviul ih crehnoslatGunners.ý..............3 o 1.000 Monday evening. A five man team Engineers .............. 3 0 1.000 toured to three north shore alle)is Torpedoes........ 3 .000 Bombers........ 3 .000 during the evening tournament. Fi- Destroyers. .....O 3 00 nal standings were. in order, Don.....0 3 00 Blom hijzh nian: Earl Terrill, AI WILMETTE BOWLING ALILEYS Boulevard DrugCGo . ......3 9 .250 CElNTR)EtLA LEAG.UE Th e second round finds the J. J Lipp Paper *Company team -led by Captain HaroldBerflstefl of Bernsteni Bros., out in front leadmng the-league wvith six victories and no 'defeats. The Armour Company team, le1d by Fritz Gie ïser of the Bakke Grocery, and Market and .John Coulard'of the P. L. Happ Grocimyý..RMarket co- captains,. tackled the fast rolling team captained by-Charlee Rugen'of Rugen" s Stores sponsored by Brem- ner Bros.,, and took 2 out of 3 gaines from the record mnakers. Competition, WiI Be Keen J. J. Lipp Papçr company took 3 gamnes from, the Borden. Cheese teamcomposed of bowlers from the Glencoe Grocery and Market -and- the Bronx Grocery and Market with co-captains Elmer Engels and Fra-nk Weibel. Armour 'and com- ýpan'y 4earn 4took,2 out, of,3. ae from Bremner Bros. team. Stewarts Coffee team* toolc 2 out of 3. from the Hydrox Beverage team captained by Harold L. Voltz of. Voltz Grocery and Market. Nottli Bros. Produce company team, led by Johnny Lester of the G. C. Scheibe store, toolc the full measure of the Crosse and Black- welI team, captamned by Robert Bal of the S. P. Gerdi store, for three sare w4 it was an- WiI ive Farewell Recital, This Evenirig Before her departure, eqrly this month% to study for a year in Ger - many. Miss Harriet Mason of Eub- bard Wo ods,. pianisÈt, will. give .a fareweil recital at,8:30 o'clock Thurs- evening of. th ià week at the, Ger- mania club,,of Chicago, under the sponsorship ofthat organization. Ad-. -missionh to the recital, which.will be preceded by a dinner at. 6:30 o'clock,. is by invitation only. A. F. W,. Siebcl of 100. Garrison avenue, Wilmette. -ý executive. vice-presidîent of' the G'- mania club. HAVE GRANDCHILD The first grandchild of, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gilbert, 1009 Ashland avenue, was born September 11, in Wyandotte, .Mich., to Mr. anÇd Mrs. R. M. Griffith -(Jane Gilbert). The new baby was namned John Simpson Griffith. for his paternal grandfather. Bill Gilbert, who bas a position in New York, visited his, parents for two weeks during Septêmnber. 1r. and Mrs. A. M. Rodenkirk. 309 Sixteenth street, returned Tues- day of. last week from a western trip. They spent a iwonth visiting AMERICAN LEGION LEAGUE * The-~bowling league of the Legion. is known as The Wilmette Post No. 46, Arnerican Legion. fBowling league. bowling at Bleser's alleys this season. The league is com- posed of the following teams. each player being a member of the Wil- mette post: D~estroyers: Walter C. Cleave, James C.Anderson,.Edward Just for a warm-up the boys roiied. an 891, then came back. with 927 and 948 to take high team series for the evening with 2766. Tom Lynch Boosters had the jijx on Quinlan Record Service. al- thýough, not setting any records. won three games and dropped themn from first to third place. On the late shift, was another three-game winner, Del Bonnem tearu, George B. Winter's Evanston store, sponsored by Gebhardt's Chili Powder company. President Waber is experiencing a littie difficulty in getting his team to click. All American Foods camne back with flying colors, talçing 3 straight games from tIle, Woodland Grocery apà Markcet teaiu sponsored by the Old Monk Olive Oul company. Rob- ert Winter of George B. Winter's Ravinia store is captain of the Ail American team. Only One Two Hwidred Application Phil Sturlini of the Woodland Gro- cery and Market, captain of the Old Monk team, was the only mernber o f the league to be admitted to Cen- trella's Two Hundred club last Tue§- day evening. Phil was awarded his membership with a ,;core of an even 200. N.orthý Shore. TaIking Machine Co. 612 Churdu Streetu between Orringl.n and Chicago Avenues. Evanston * INIversity 3474