by La ea"i Kedpetng xsb ý Do you have callouses? Bunous? coma? Athetes Foot; tire&, aching f oct? Fauen arches and weak or fLat-foot? Does evey step you take send pains shooting tbrough youtlJegs? Fc*1 e'-ý hausted after a rnild wuik Dr SchoItv Lectures on 'tCbiId Oeporhtrett" 4ewiS G. Bariezt (center) _oj rgdio station WJJDý originator and producer of the daily program mn whicih lie intervéws a youth ful offender arc prisone'. Wi lecture at a mieeting of the !iWotheérs»céùîfro St. rrancis Xarier schooi 'rihdapv, October M. Siown witk Mr. Barnpt îp rke iflideuIifv d prIsofer %Q)fîj nd Cliei RECREA-%TIO.N Badminton %ý iii Open Fail. %Vnter Program, NMonad% Eeni:ng Daniel M. Dav.s. director of rec- reation, announced this week that *eeyMondav- andi Fr';day ni gh thereafter Irom r-7 t10}Çj cloc. *Three courts: are fuilbeLr play. Racquets are available for piaying for thoûse who do nect have'C their owý.n, and shuttlecocks ior birds i are furnished the player.for a small fee. Ai The comp the gymnasi. It Programn ýe aduit progrm4 s vwILl start Tu.esda.. *ionday night ai tl ,Ir. Barxie* has sen m-uch tlune in travel and doiug research w1.ork in the: interest, of diJsco%-erin.g the real un- derying causes of delinquency and. crime among. children. HiS subject will! be ýCh'Id Del or nient." Thé meetingja Frda ill be the business meeting. in addition to the afternooiVýs program. for the purpose of, revîsing the by-law\s. The opèning talk of the afterr.ooti villi be given by the Rev. Father Jamnes M. Sheridan. assistant pastor of St. Francis church. Another interesting feature of the program wl be a ta11k on books of current interest by M-%rs. Frank X. Thale. including a review of -My Son. -My Son," by Eow.ard Spring. N. U. Veterans Will Face Ohio State Saturday Stat'e holds a big margin in the sýeries, inaugurated in 1913ý eleve!r> vîctories to five. There have beer 110 tics. The Wildcats, boasting a veterar. line and a steady backfield. have haci two practice games with Kansas* State and Drake, while Ohio State already has a conference wmn re- corded against Indiana. The Buck- ey es defeated Northwestern. 7-0 las!t year, after having lost. 14-13, in 1936 I ~ Howard, who is attending the Wes.t- Central avenue, Elizabeth ada-a nd ---c--Cu-l-ch-f mma V Ul I cey.cie an appointment- as rev as thest s ,~IMr and Hal Method¶, both lettermen,M b.' corporal in the cadet corps of the Prs. W. W. Luecke, 490 Willow ro ad, start at guard.Jon'am , * I inneka. junior, Wifl be at center.