I.serance Peope FrIlic -Asolr<tzj and merbers of the staff o4 the insurance agencyj of ~CratcheU., Uiler. Whi:neij & Barbour were ententained recently at the Sha>nt<e Countryi club, Wilrnette, by Lymnan M. Drake. Included were $JUIou V. Youngberg. .419 Washington drvenue, Wilmette; Edwin F. -Fromm, 1330 Mapte avenue, Wilmette. and Charles C. Blackwcell, 801 Fif- teenh street, Wilmette. Mr. Youngberg is in the front rote in the a bove picture, he haring been tcrith, the ffrm for-'44 years. Others are John L. Bennett, Winnetka; H. H. Chandler. and LyIman M. Drake, Jr-, bath of avenue, Wilmette. bas been a resi-, J vaine LJiciais dent of the village for about forty years- He was president of the Quil- f Trj. mette Country club onow Shaw-nee> of LdLion PostVJ wh.ft the ground was bouglit on which the club stands. He lias beerio T i Y a . a member of-the School board, P Villaue Trustee an~d i a director of Okcers anid committee chairm-en the Wilmette State bank. of the. Wilniette post of the American During the meeting the fact was Legion for the comning year %,.ere an- brought out that Uic present business' nouncedi this week bv Edwar<d nati il defense: H,- S. Browne. pa- celebrations. riety Grows Social,'Part Mr. and )&s. Alun ]EL Tyler, 1427, WlamJames, legisiative; Wil- 1ted States. Sorne o Gregwy veneIett Sunday t liam Benner, membership; Charles;Cent examples oft ~ motor to New York. They, wiU bel Dahncke, memnorials;, Orville Guy the Constitution star .away *r abouta week.Daily.,music; Carl Alfred Peterson, ~ odrs for the Uni- .Next inonth.1 the artists will be ie most re- draWn from outside the chorus. Mrs. *work are Clarence Minnema,ý wifl play the of Ecuador piano, and Mrs.. Elmner E. Price, soprano. xwiII sing.