son, iirsk ning rece the chui hall., e, J r, wit- ai onl on October pariors and Arrangements, f -i a dinner ýiavinLy been cance1led'ý the entire evening beginniflg at 8.>o' dock is to be dèvot- ed to sociabiity and feliowship with incidentai mhusic .and refreshmrents. Newer members of the church, g.uiid, and Mis sion ary. society are es- pecialIiy invited to be present on, this occasion as are ail young people and ,chiidren. Mr. and" Mrs. Jýeffords have beer 1 %ýery active, ln. the young peopi's work, being on the faculty of the Epworth League, Institute of the' Conferencei Mrs. Jeffords isý corresponding! secretary of the young people's work and vice-president of the Conference ili theWornan's Home 'Missionary, society, and is dean of Cunningham Home at Urbana, Ill., on the local YWCA board at Quincy, and coun- sellor of high school groups at the Vermont, Street church. and is a member of P. E. 0. M,,r. Jeffords, in addition to re- sponsible positions in his o-wn Illinois conference, is active in~ the civic ie of Quincy, his present charge, he is on the local YMCA i board. a member of the ~Kiwanîs * Rev. Mr. 'Jefforcis will occuPYthe' pulpit on October 16, at the 10:45 ,'ciock morning services which vil- 1lagers are cordially invïted,*to at- tend. -A. H. Pion 1sf Mrs. Conrad T. Frpkman, 1045 Ashland avenue, as' luncheon chai.rman, will serve on the com- mittee making plans for the flrst meeting, this fait of the Woman's guid of the First Congre gational church on Fridlay October 1.4. Daguerre Photo Gives Luncheon Party for Board, of Women Voters Foiiowing the first board meetin-g of the Kenilworth League of Womn- en Voters, iast Thursday morning, Serving on the board t>is year with Mrs. Warren and iVrs. Kelly are: Miss Caroline Harris, treasur- er; Mrs., Fred Kiiner, secretary; Mrs. Walter Stephens, chairman of the membershilS committee; 2Vrs. Harry >Olin, program chairman;*., Mrs. Bentiey McCloud, social chair-, man; Mrs. Anan Raymond, co-çhair- man of the social* committee; Mrs. A. B. Spach, publicity chairman, Cone in- rii it S. àwd e the littie furnit!àe h pb il147 WiIleAvenuüe WInîette 70 VENETIAN BLINDS Best -oj the Bettee Kind Ai Prices b ,Please Yu*rý Purse. *Why flot equip at Ieast one roomm your. home this Fait -with our smart looking Venetians-custom-made for you -and get that touch of "something dif- ferent" yôu have been wanting. 0 Tell us what room you have in 'Mind-: we'll gladly give you an estimate, includ- ing expert installation. No obligation \ ,whatever-just phone or drop us a postal. TT &LONG o Mauuaý. the Infant Wefare >Soceyu> 01 Chicago Mondaii, Octo ber 17, at Samiuel S. and Joh 2; ini he lounge of the Wômaf's arrive from Wausau, cLub.ber for a few days. ana DriJL LLL hn Dingee, -to 1 952 SPANISR CT., NO MAN'S LAND, 1, Wis., to visitr WILMETTE 467