by Mrs. Ruthl r0. ±viv'-rn of thie per- sonnel departiient of Northwestern unive rsity, who will speak on the work her department is doing. Following are the officers of the Mothers' club for the coming year: Mrs. Beverly Howe, president;, Mrs. C. Robert Moulton,,;. Mrs. Walter Steffen, treasurer; Mrs. Hal C. Wheeler, corresponding s ecre- tary; and Mrs. Gordon E. Taylor, re- cording secretary. Mrs. Taylor lives in Winnetka, Mrs. Wh eler ini Evans- ton, the others in Chica go. Mrs. Zander WUIi RevieWý '"The Yearhg by Requesi By poplar request Mrs. Henry G. Zander. Jr;,, wiIl review "T'he Year-, ling", on October 21, at 10: 15 o-dock in the morning. at the Wilmette Congregational church. This has bee'n one of the most popttlar books of the summer and, repeated de- mands foi its reading have made ,Mrs. Zander choose it for her nextt prograrn, even thQugh it is not one of the new fali novels. 1 Dùe to the acute interest in thet ntiews re sume-given before each re-r Mrs. Byront A. Warnes is gen- eral chairman of the Harv est Home froli to, be held - Saturday at'the Vista del La go, as thé. an- nual fall charity qaffair of the Junior auxiliary of the Winnetka Woman's club. Durant Phôto view, this feature will again open the program. Single admissions may be pur- chased at the door as welI as season tickets at reduced prices for the remainder of the series. 'v~ ~NV s v e _ $I ea ch Al three with built-up Ieather heels. exclusiv .i, Stven n .nso EDGAR A. STEVENS, Inc. I EDOCAR. A. STE:VENS, c .1L Eva.nston Evanstoh,