PHONE. HUGO WUNN. Uq.u'StorM30 Whichever-Ton Pref or! UmNA.ê Is a AE. Opening Oct. 13 P'rori the dar west, the northwest and southwest states cowboys and cowgirls - world's champions - thýs week a rrived in Chicago, comning with thir saddles and hiorsesfor.:the Fifth Annual Wrl d's Championship Rodeo, which.opens.Thursday night, .Oct*ber .13, at the Stadium 'and continues up to andincluding Sun- day night, October, 30. The champions (.f the 1937 rodéo are returning to defend their Chica-. go tities. Thi s contingent includes Lonnie Rooney of Wilson, Oki a.; Dave, Campbell of Bartlett, Nebr.: AndyHenders on of Okem-ah.. Okia.: Ken 'Roberts of Strong C it Y. Kan.: Tom Taylor of- Sonora. Texa-;. and Floyd Peters eof Brovning. 'Mont. Last year this quintet captured the cham-pionships -in saddle bronc rid-. ing. steer wrestling. barebac-k bro--ne riding, steer riding, caif ropinz, anci wiid cow milking. For the first time ai anYRoe Association of Arnerica Crt~S :there v.ill be two speciai evenis for. juveniles. the futtirecoov n cowgýirls of the United States,- Fif- teen ' ourlgsters have ent*eriea tne trick ridîng and .rop'ng events ï,ad promise to give dm~srtosta will equal the aduit promr Performances \will be staged mght Iv at 8:30 o&clock wiSaurda' and .Suiiday- mratinees at2:30 crc wam.tte 4092 W ilmette Recçrea ti4 Fo u ý,1 -fi i i<h SPECIAL NOONDAY LUNCH "MIeet Your Friends- "'En jo.ýýl'ourseif" George BSrent wa'.ïamtcvi diispatch rider for IMjchael Collins. leader of the Irish Rebellion, in 1924. Meei Phyins Wc.HG'odLod a t.c"e 'Oie, ap- pears u-ith Lloyd himseZU i, tisscence from pi esrBevr»open~- inP Fr-,dab CI The Vri:'theazler. M Luk SarstripSnj Hertieuril 1 hcre. the scre.enibie sorme îeek. Bath pjcrnres. are 'ri qui: .'orjt.sTili BIJÂRK HOTEI NI C, L P o f LAJ L L, IWILMETTE ICE CO. .COOLERATrOR - ICE CURES 733 Green gay RM. WiI. 53 L "Youth 1Tcakes o Fing'" Joel MeCrea-Andrea Leed, Stage Shoiws Mat. andEe ar