Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Oct 1938, p. 67

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,Best- Deadine for Insertions- àdver up t Ternsd wlP.I.bfo WILMETTE LIFE. or ail. three papees; Wednesday 9 P. M., for WINNETKA TrALK and Thursday >5 P. m. for GLENcoE NEWS. Telephones: WUmnette 4300, Winnetka. 2000 (Winnetka 500 after 6 P. M.), Green leaf 4300 or Shelý- drake 1216-i2l7. 94. SITUATION WANTECiD-FEMAL19 COOKING, SE-RVING OR PART TIME by day, or hour b.v thoroughly ýexperi. encèd imiai-d. References. Phone Wil. 4903. 94LTN23ltp NEAT. HELIABLE GIRL WISHES TOÏ .w.ork ýby -day, 'hour or bythe w*%eek from 1 'through dinner. With good refer- ences. Caîl Davis, 1159.. COOK AND. HOUSEWORK. EXCEL- lent referençes. Capable of taking full ~chargeof adult's househoid. CatI Win- petka 1264. __ 94LTN23-ltp -RELIABLE, EXP. COL., GIRL WANTS work for Wednesday & Thursday. by the day or hour. Also full tirne work:' Refs: -Urnfi1ted. Uni.:1772; 4TN23--tp CAT-ERI-NG Luncheonls. dînners, teas,, weddings. *hors d'oeuvres a specialt,%. Best of referenices. Un i. 1 324. 94LTN23.1 tp EXPER. WOMAN WILL STAY WITH chldren (infants or older) mlorihgs, aýfternoons- or eveing. Usual rates, W,;iite824-J. 94LTN23-Itp -E X P E R 1 E NC E D WHITE WOMVAN I anlts general w ork by th(- da.Cok ilig and serving. Wmnetka 1066.. MIDDLE AuED WOMAN WANTS POSI- *tion as, comipanion 'or to -care-for ili- valid. Write A-170, box 60, Wlmtette, Ili. 94L23-lt-p DES1GNING, DRESSMAKING. SKETCH- i'ing. Will do your,\-ar-drobe with jer- son-ai attention and care at your home or mine. Winnetka 1066. 94L23-lp INFANT AND CHILDRENS NURSE AS- sist with light housework. Anerican, good- cityý,1 and North Shore references. Cali Wellingtoil 417.9. 94423 1t p A-1 LAUNDREËSS GOOD SHIRT IRON. ing a1 specýialty,. BeSt North Shore*réf- erencies. CalUi styM75 evenings. 87 REAL ESTATE.L.OANS. WHY-PAY. MORE? No fee for standard 10.year loans 1% for monthly paymentlt oans. GEORGE T. .COQNLEY LOAN .AGENT ALLIANCE LIFE INS. COMPANY and. other investors 1580 Sherman Ave., Evanston Davis. 2233 Hollycourt 4220 87LTN20-tf c We have funds available now for irmincdiate corinitnîtent on FIRST MORTGAGES MeGUIRE &ORR, INC. Over 45 Yea s (if Dependable Service 530 Davis St., Evans. Gre. 1080. Wtt. 228 Real Estate Loans WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR. -Frst Mortgage loans on North Shore' gproperty. Interest 4½'% to,5%.. Joseph C. Cormack & Co. 15(19 Shermian, Evanston Uni. 3353 87LTN6tf c Money to Loan ON FIRST MORTGAGES WINNETKA BUILDING- LOAN ASSOCIATION 716; Elm Si. Wnnetka '1611 871LTN2,3-4tp, 92 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Excel Empi.- Service. Suite , 740- Elm St., Wintietka 4190 RELIABLE. EFFICIENT.,N'EAT HELPý FURNISHED. ON SHORT NOTICE. giLTN21-4tp 94 SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE COMPETENT HELP LOCAL REFERENCES. SISTERS. 4 YEARS' LOCAL ences. want cook-second. Agency, 746- Etm St., Winnetk 941 VVUULDJ L.LlS GjtJU P' 0 SI T 10 N', houseman, excellent character. Good cook, 'drive èàr. Hlghest references. Phone Glertcoe 1795 or Evans. Uni.'7458. 95LtU23-ltp EXPERIENORD HOUSEMAN-CHAUF- FEUR-GARDENER WISHES POSI- TrION.. N. S. REFERS. WINNETKA 2815. _________95LTN22-3tp YOUNG MANWISHES, WORK.BY DAY. Yard, or- housewôrk. 'washing walls. Referenc&. Louis Brown, Wilmette 911-W. 95LTN23ltp CHAUFFEUR,. -IUSEMAN, C 0O0.,K. (coloredi with excellent Chicago* ref-- eriences-. Cali Watson, Kenwoo.d,,04*2. 95LTN23-2tp WANTED -POSITION4 BY EXPERI- ENCED MAN, INDOOR- 'OR OUT- DOOR WORK. MONDAYS AND TUES. DAYS.> CALL W1NNETKA 527. 95LTN23ltp CHAUFFEUR-HOUSEMAN. RELIABLE. 6 years by previous employer-moved South. Best references. Swedih-age 38. *Cail UNlversity 8368.1 95LT23-1tp CARE'OF FT XCE, -DRIVES, AN<DI waiks, take down trees.' By experi-- etlce'l landscape gardener. Wlnnetka 1813 or Wnnetka 1552. 95LT23-1 tp RELIABLE- MAN WANTS WORK BY- day or wýeek. A-1 references. Cali -Otto-Glencoe 1004. 95L23ltp es SOT. WTD.-MAL.E& FEMALE COUPLES AVAILABLE German, 30-35, 5 vrs. last place. Swýedish. 34-32. A-1 references. Finnish. 34-34, 4 'years experience. S\wedish. 35-36. N. S. references. Americaal: 25-26, beginners.- Gerrnan, 34-37, 10 years experience. .PAULINE'S EMPL. AGENCIES- Wilrnette 2172 96LTN23-ltc EXPERIENCED HELP AVAILABLE NOW COUPLES -A-i1-R-EERENCES- GEN. MAIDS - COOK$ - 2ND MAIDS -Carlson's Empi. Agency 818 ELM ST. WINNEýTKA 117 5-1176- 96LTN23Ite 5 WTHCOUPLÉS 5 IHAi LOCAL REFERENCES. SHORLINE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 746 ELM ST. WINNETKA 3012 Aý190,. box 60. 2ive xper1ienCe, ecuUVM tion and phone. 97LTN23ltp) WANTED. WHITE' GIRL,- WI.LING and iconscientous for general house- work.-Assis- ith very sMall. washings, no ironing. 5 iii familyiOwn room*and radtio. good wages. Phone WilméTte 1608. 97LTN23-itp DAY HELP BY THE WEEK,- AFTER- noons.ý alternate m iornings 'and eve- nings. Small 'apt., Hubbard -Wds. bus. dist. Please give refs. Winnefka 419, 97LTN23-îtp COMPETENT WHITE HELP WANTED wxth good ref. Appy1 n eron 6ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, 67Vernon Ave.> Glpnee 251 97LTrNl7-tfc GIRL. îWRITE, FOR GENERAL1 HOUSE-: %work. Experienced. and- farnily. Nea-r trans. $10. Kenfilworth 5175, 97LTN23-Ite WHITE GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework. -Stay nights. $10. Phone Wilrntte 1675. 97LTN23-ltc GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE ORK. Some experierice necessary. Own room anid bath. Cali Wilmette 5050, 97LTN23-ltc WOMAN. 30 TO 40, WHITE, GENERAL housework. Family of 3. No Saturday afternoon or Sundays. $9. References. Wilmette 3493. 97LTN23ltp GIRL. WHITE, FOR PART TIME work, must like children. References lreqjuired. Phone Wilmette 3599. 9'LTN23Itc WANTED 2 DEALERS,,TO SERVICE. Household Paper Products customers. meni or wonien. Call evenings, Steady in- corne. Unii. 3981 or write A-174, Box 60. Wlmnette. 111. 99L23-ltp WHITE COUP-LE, RELIABLE, 1WITH car. Work in exehange for gar. apt. and sm-ali .salary. Prefer husband em- ployed. Phonie Deerfield 200 betwveen .3 aind 7. 99LT23.îtp COUPLES BETTER JOBS - BET'rER -PAY SHORLINE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 746 ELMV ST. WINNETKA 746 EL EXPERIENCED SWEDISH IWO0M AN487 wishes washings. outside dryiflg, high EXP F rade wyork. Reasonable. Phone Uni. 8527.1 W.- - 94LTN23ltp 1Refeý RIE14CED CO0LO0R ED GIRL, s work fuIl or part tîme, or stay. -ices. Uni. 0.560. 94LTN23itp STATION WAGON,, 1936 DODO-E. CUS. -tomer instructs us to sell at a sacri- fice. Pure 011 Station, 4th Linden Ave.. Wilmette 551. 105LTN23-Itp

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