CHRYSLE R PLYMOUTH AERO MOTORS. H. H. B8radshaw, Prop. 721 Green Bay Rd. Wilméffe 1201 Chicago vs. Ohio State You Can'tàLose,, .If you let us serv-e tee your c 'r* Special Flat Y Rates. 011 Fali Changeover OTTO KOEHLER'S PURE QIL SERVICE 1223 central Ave. Wilmette Next to Postoffice WILMETTE 53.18 In each advertisernent on this page are the names of two schools whose football tearns. mneet Saturday. Try to guess the total points that will be scored in these nine gaxes-JUST ONE FIGURE is wanted rejresenting tbe total of aIl the.points scored by the 118 teams in 9 gaines. Each of the first three persons who irings or sendsi to the WiLmTm LIPF office, correct answers..(or the nearest'correct): will be givèn, a reserved seat ticket: to the Northwestern- Minnsotagame. ALL ANS WERS MUST REACH WILMETTE LIFE OFFICE (or be . post-marked): BE-.; FORE, NOON SATURDAY, -OCTOBER 22. ~ur 8 AND Jtor Jhe!few4 in Swing Music or Sympliony. QINLAN RECORD 911 WIlimette Ave. WI.f 6 Notre Dazne vs. Carnegle Stinson SR..7 Corne in and see our complete ways boats gas engines. NORTH SHORE MODEL SIIOF- 1124 Central Ave. Wilmette Princeton'vs. Navy Nev Hla to the Game -I io-,wa vy. See US Firstf for GUARANTEED USED CARS 619 Clark St. GREenleaf 0007, Michigan vs. Yuale OCTO-BER, 201, 1938i STOP! free