Keep Warm This Winter. WoIly Udies,! FLANNLPJ.S. lifs snatto be iwarii day -and jo.nihtll Wari 1. 0oôlN undies. flan- nel p.j.s .keep you comnfi' al ~itr DO'wny Flannèls. S1.OO to S 1.95 * S.~e ~udlyin - rrift.' arm .1S Phone WVOOU>SWilmette 987. 1148 WWMETrTE AVENUE "~Blk. North oi Central Ai e. Fit e Deliteries Dailv 'w, Oq S r rtr.tleft f and Gordoi vice president. , right>. ý the vork of organizatiol operatidn pledges. selectil h.alls ta be organiz.ed. an têelection- of student ithe individujal study t -Student supervis'ion plan for 1wo reasons. 'leves faculjty members. Direct Honor SludyHalls, ewTrirHigh h stuidenjtsthis weej< are being- plaed in cha-rgeý of th riee d igyhls.a001 he igh school. This is- a sart in the New Triner stu dent counüil's plan for the organialf irotsuyhlsý a stude'iît sliperrisedbagts. îT lir cc lÀlors Lois Pittmafl, sec- $ti1 alduyady econd.,i n Laughead. plcs' t hal.e sudet o hiro re handlir flg gies the, student snriO ~wl ýn This in- als the entire study hall, a feeling ,'Of ,9llecting co- responsibility. and dvlp *nthcrn m 9 th e st dd y a s n se o6f d Li i o c r,-c- .. tt w a - et + d d conductiflgthis week. supervsorS 'Study halls to be. organized FrSt ai- riais.Nelson' Sayvlor Luhmaii's first period. is an ideal 'C. O. Waters' seventh period.. and First. it re- girls' study hall rrst period. There. of one hour' are 28 daily studyý halls at New Trier.:, Tea I forAlph Chiman of the national organization. and ('~wi D1A~ X/~4hes Mr. Er e klund, president of Omega Alpha Alpha Alumnnae chapter, w;Ill Following -its usual custo m t h be the gpuest' speakers, 'and MNissý ter house. 637 ,Universty- Pac, M M.Sherer. presiderit; Mrs.L.W E :v a n ýs t o n . P a t . c .p e i e t ; M s . C Mrs. Lymnan Davis. province chair- Patr iepeiet .C Fowler, second vice-president; 'Mrs. TheNorh SoreId nt 'tH. H. Barrows. seoietary; Mrs. C' ers League Endorses Elward For H. 'Sachs. treasurer; 7Mrs. A.. C. Congress, Adv. Johnisofl, publicity. J Fieqal îty Pastels and fiýtur- Panties, Vests,45 "mi.Mediium.Lre Extra Larg-eI L u uý,