PET. BORDEN, OR CARNATION MILUC. PALMOLIVE SOAP. l3A R S, IONA PEACHES, Nortkeérn TISSUE ROLL 5C HtINZ KETCHUP LGE. 35ic BI13LS. 1 SIGAR 10 -47C CAMEL, CHESTERFIECDOROf LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTES.,. A&P FANCY WHITE ASPARA KE4-.L-RATION. lc 'DEAL 4 CANS24c SLICED'ORt NO . 2'ia HALVE * -LARGE CANS Del Monte PEARS NO.52 Sa ra m ento Fruit' COCKTAIL TALL O NO) 1 CAN 9 TA YOtr KIEFFER PEARS 2LARGE 22,. CAN-,S25 ,.CARTON $1123 SU ITANA RED.SALMON tober 17,. at Winnetka (2orTflitUfIy 14ruse. The lecture deait in the main mlitb, the relationship of business,' agricéul- ture and labor to the Amerîca .n form of government., Professor DeLong- fit these three economniC interest groups dictated the Amnerican policy. -He. conisiders there are ýwo main philosophies of approach. First, the "oId liberal" group which believes ini a. coipetitive ec!ofl0mjC esysterf and, second, the new liberal" group which considers comiipetitioôn a. \vaste- fui, procéess and urges a i.,unhiied governrneni control. The -old lib er- ai" believes that the theoretical e 1f- fîciency of govérnment control is. out-I idone by Iack oif incentive, he, ponitd out. Dou't -Stay Put" Professor DeLong stâited thiat there were two1tnaental aspects of the 1 -New Deal .whieh were causing troubile. First, the attitude of the ew Deal in the regulatory powers: undertaken by themn, second, the fiscal policy. He said that, by and large, the things at \vhich regulation had been aimed unquestionably need- ed attention but. that the New, Deal hadn't -stayed put" long enough for Arnerican business to adjust itself. There : has been too much breath- taking spe.ed, so that business bas '1 Class President Johln Frmnkli l Davis., soil of Ai. olnd Mrs. Joiii Eugene Davis, 2(w Miaple .Hill ,roadGle 4e o~a. Ihis w-eck elected p)residenlt o 'f thî sclnior cluss ofi Newv Trier Tol"î-. ship Hligli school. lHe is -a!:«i, .Ir.sidlent o f the student cuc lacemt)er olf the varsity footbaIH' g. anm, md basebali tearrný ilnstote high school d i r bg cha m pion. 0 t h e r. officers-eleer. are: Mlartha Hale, vice-presideit. Joan Hyatt, secretar;.1; and Dîrl Dirr, treaisurer. Photo byl cou r- iesp of Newv Trier News. 'S O'CLOCK **LS. BAG expenctitures. of money spent, for r -r Ii1 4Jy Jeries pur~s public buildings, and gradei The Lake Shore Young People', saý inhdrasdtePublic fellowship, now in its second yea-îr standard of living at the expense of wl posrthe fIrst banquet ()f thu priva te. . . orÉganization at the Georgian hotol ii Regarding labor problems, Profes- Evansjtonj at 7 o'clock, Wednc.da' ;sor DeLong expressed the opinion evening. November 2. that there should be. amendmnents 1. r ate ei ilo.wi the Wagner Act. Sle said the Labor kiiown young, peopleýs speaker, is Relations board had. not had the comning from Kansais*City,. Mo., tha. proper assigniment under the statueŽ night especially to be guest speaker creating the board. . overnrnent at the. meetin.g. Recently he roturr should not be partisan in its ageni- 2d frora England where he spent 11- cies but should be recognized as ;i.,Ire,,ter part of, the surhmerlet- last week w1iththe bereave Iof their cousin, the late D. 1rison of 200 Ninth, street,1 I.Mrs. W., D. IVIJunkln of Ia'nd Mrs. A. V, Sieren of Jare also cousins. days mly.y Mrs. R. H. Olmsted who has béefl Har- visiting her daughter, Mrs. nte ýette. G. McCloud, 338 Kenilworthaen'. .etka Kenilworth, for the past two weeks. nette is retur.ning to. her home in Omaha Neb., next Moniday. STANDPARD TOMATQES'I .GOLDEN.,DANTAM CORNI PEASI CARROTS, BETS, GREEN BEANS, or SAUERIKRAUT' 4 NO. 2 CANs 2.5c I A& P ood -tore ýIL