T H E vast Buick factory is a grand place ta visit, these days. Down the roaring aisies, throughout the sprawling bays there's a sense of great things happening. They're building somcething ultra, hert; at Buick, and they know it. They're tialking of "catwalk-cooling"' that floods' air under forced draft to ease the t emperatu re of, your engine. T'hey're talking of BuiCoil springing and the soft shock-srnother.ing spirals that give you the true "full float" ride. They're talking, a thousand and one details of Buick that you'll neyer know nor nçed ta know but that to their schooled eyes speli a better built automobile. And they're thinking of now as they talk. For they krnow that no car selis specetacularly when it's Buick showroom.. When you do see it, think of what the men who buit it are saying, not ýboa,,tfully, but with quiet sureness. They know. And they're saying "Looks fie. for '391". 1601 Sheridan Roud WiImettl i i. OCTOBER 20,,19 38W 21