AND One would -neyer guess these dresses t0 be so> modestly ipriced., In ever detail of maàterial, style and nieedlework they look tike much higher priced garments. Sizes 9, 11,, 13, 15, 1 z- z Il The Basque. Cornes.,Bock', Le/to CoP: Abasq ue jacket with "shrugged" shoulders Zlp's.up the front and gives Petites the kind of a figure they love! Hiddeni under- neaIh s a clever ui.le drese of black crepe with à silver lamé yoke. Per- fect for important hours fromn tea- tie on. Le95 The three mode!s skctciicd 'are but a salpart of the nIufly breatltaking .styles featured iat $ 10.95 and' * $12.95 1 /5 DOWN' Balance 3 Equal M-ontht'y PaYmeits. OCTOBER 201,1938